An accidental discovery has brought
seismologists(地震学家) one step closer to being able to predict earthquakes. As
part of an unrelated effort to measure underground changes caused by shifts in
barometric pressure (大气压力), a team of researchers found that increases in
subterranean pressure(地下压力) preceded earthquakes along California’s San Andreas
Fault(断层) by as much as 10 hours. If follow-up tests advance the findings,
seismologists may eventually be able to provide a few hours’ notice for people
to find safe places prior to quakes. Researchers used a high-tech equivalent of a stereo speaker lowered into a bore hole near Parkfield, Calif., a half-mile deep and five yards from a measuring device. For two months beginning in late 2005, researchers transmitted pulse signals three times per second, from the speaker to the measuring d A. the quantity of cracks decides the speed of an earthquake B. the larger amount of pressure, the faster the transmission signals are C. the larger the magnitude is, the longer pre-seismic signals an earthquake have. D. the stress signal is detectable with two sensors a few yards away from each other [判断题]当电压互感器一、二次绕组匝数增大时,其误差的变化是减小。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题] 环网柜应在( )后,方可打开柜门。
A. 停电 B. 验电 C. 合上接地刀闸 D. 悬挂“止步,高压危险!”标示牌 [单选题]哪一诊断属于病因诊断
A.A:二尖瓣狭窄; B.肝硬化; C.结核性胸膜炎; D.肾功能不全; E.心力衰竭; [单项选择]将学习动机划分为近景性动机和远景性动机的根据是( )。
A. 学习动机的来源 B. 动机内容的性质 C. 动机影响范围的大小 D. 动机持续作用的时间 [单选题]党的纪律是党的各级组织和全体党员必须遵守的______,是维护党的团结统一、完成党的任务的保证。( )
A.法律法规 B.行为规则 C.价值观 D.世界观 [多选题]电气试验,使用电压互感器进行工作时,应先将低压侧所有接线接好,然后用绝缘工具将电压互感器接到高压侧。工作时应(),并应有专人监护。
A.戴手套 B.戴护目眼镜 C.站在绝缘垫 D.穿防电弧服 [单项选择]血吸虫病肝硬化的主要病理变化是
A. 有明显的假小叶形成 B. 肝表面呈细颗粒状结节 C. 肝细胞明显淤胆 D. 肝表面呈粗大隆起结节 E. 临床上较晚出现腹水 [填空题]What will happen if the speaker’s girlfriend sees his mother
She won’t ______.
A.安全度 B.拉伸强度 C.屈服强度 D.安全系数 我来回答: 提交