In the United States, the biggest
change in spending has been in the amount spent on food, which has decreased
from 46% of the total family budget in 1901 to 19% of present day totals. This
is due to the fact that people are now able to buy more and better foods at
lower prices. As a result of the growth in fast food restaurants (for example,
McDonald’s or KFC), more people are also eating out. Thus about 30% of today’s
food budget goes on meals eaten outside the home while a hundred years ago it
was only 3%. At the beginning of the 20th century, few people owned their homes (only around 19% of working families) or cars (at about $ 1,000 per ear this was well above the average family income of $ 650 per year), as most people were unable to borrow money. But there was a rapid rise in both home and car ownership during the mid-1900s A. People are eating less. B. Eating habits have changed. C. Fewer people are eating out. D. Foods are less expensive. [单选题]CTCS-3级以及信号机常态灭灯的CTCS-2级自动闭塞区段,发车进路信号机故障且引导信号不能开放时发出列车,LKJ控车时,行车凭证为( )。
A.(A)调度命令 B.(B)出站信号机(线路所通过信号机)显示的允许运行的信号 C.(C)列控车载设备显示的允许运行的速度值 [单项选择]下列()因素会导致信息过滤的机会增多。
A. 组织等级中纵向层次多 B. 组织结构层级少 C. 组织文化抑制信息过滤行为 D. 组织的奖励系统注重实质内容 [单选题]导致过程或产品问题的原因可能有很多因素,通过对这些因素进行全面系统地观察和分析,可以找出其因果关系的一种简单易行的方法是( )
A.直方图 B.因果图 C.排列图 D.树图 [多选题]依据《中国南方电网有限责任公司信息安全督查管理办法》(Q/CSG218015-2014),信息安全风险评估由()应根据相关国家和公司信息安全风险评估有关标准,定期对本单位信息系统开展风险评估工作。
A.公司总部 B.各分子公司 C.其下属单位 D.系统开发单位 [多选题]下列可消除深度影响的压力表示方法有( )。
A.压力的具体数值 B.压力梯度 C.钻井液当量密度 D.质量 E.前四种 [填空题]
Old people are always saying that the young people are not (51) they were. The same comment is (52) from generation to generation and it is always (53) . It has never been truer than it is today. The young are better educated. They have a lot more money to spend and enjoy (54) freedom. They grow up more quickly and are not so (55) on their parents. Events which the older generation remember vividly are (56) more than past history, This is as it should be. Every new generation is (57) from the one that preceded it. Today the difference is very marked indeed. [多选题]患者女,65岁 糖尿病史10年 ,因右乳腺癌于2021年3月10日收入院,入院后予以手术治疗,术后需行8个化疗疗程,化疗前行左上臂贵要静脉PICC穿刺置管术,置管过程顺利,穿刺口少量渗血,X线片示导管末端位于第7胸椎右缘。置管后第7天患者出现寒战、高热,T38.6 ,PICC冲管后症状加重,查体:PICC穿刺口少量脓性分泌物、局部疼痛、硬结2cm。臂围正常。实验室检查结果示白细胞(10-12.0)x109/L、中性粒细胞70%。对该病例的处理措施( )( )
A.标本采集 B. 拔管 C.结合血培养结果,遵医嘱静脉输注抗菌素 D.拔管后加强换药 E. 以后不宜再置PICC导管 [单项选择]玉兰属于()
A. 木兰科 B. 兰科 C. 杜英科 D. 睡莲科 [单选题]3.1163. 第1163题挖掘出的电缆或接头盒,若下方需要挖空时,应采取( )保护措施。
A.悬吊 B.防坠 C.提升 D.隔离 [单选题] 下列不能予以治安管理处罚的是( )。
A.甲因爱慕一已婚女同事,经常给其发示爱信息 B.乙因局长曾责怪自己,每天匿名给局长发短信称局长中奖,让局长不胜其扰 C.丙因房檐滴水问题和邻居吵架后经常半夜给邻居打电话,打通后就挂 D.丁经常给班花发信息邀约班花看电影,遭拒绝后经常半夜给班花打电话装鬼叫吓唬班花 [不定项选择题]在MMPI测试中I因子得分低的受测者,往往有( )的特点。
A.性格内向 B.性格外向 C.心身不适 D.癔病倾向 [单选题]有限空间应急救援时,救护人员必须()进入有限空间实施抢救。
A.抓紧时间 B.做好自身防护后 C.立即 [多选题]下列文种的结构构成中均有主送机关的有( )。
A. 指示 B. 通知 C. 通报 D. 批复 [简答题]简答老舍最初三部长篇小说的特点和局限。
[单选题]当管道或设备中压力持续上升达到限定的最高压力时,安全阀阀瓣全开,排泄额 定的排量,这时阀门进口处的压力称( )压力。
A.开启 B.排放 C.关闭 D.工作 [判断题]只有电路既放大电流又放大电压,才称其具有放大作用。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]“存贷通”业务申请人可跨机构申请开立多个“存贷通”业务功能。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交