{{B}}U.S. Blacks Hard-hit by Cancer{{/B}} Death rates for cancer are falling for all Americans, but black Americans are still more likely to die of cancer than whites, the American Cancer Society said Monday. In a special report on cancer and blacks, the organization said blacks are usually diagnosed with cancer later than whites, and they are more likely to die of the disease. This could be because of unequal (不平等的) access to medical care, because blacks are more likely to have other diseases as well, and perhaps because of differences in the biology (生物学) of the cancer itself, the report added. "In general, black Americans have less hope of surviving five years after diagnosis than whites for all A. death rates. B. various cancers. C. unfair social differences. D. biological differences. [名词解释]多光谱扫描仪
A.①②③ B.①②④ C.①③④ D.②③④ [单项选择]员工招聘主要选用岗位职务档案中的()条款。
A. 工作特点 B. 工作环境 C. 工作领域 D. 综合素质 [单项选择]下列哪个是面向大企业级用容器管理专用构件的应用平台,以J2SE为基础,支持EJB,并且它有强大的服务功能
A. J2DE B. J2SE C. J2ME D. J2EE [单项选择]The problem raised by the author in solid waste treatment and reuse is ______.
A. economic and social B. political and industrial C. governmental and political D. traditional and habitual [单项选择]以下四项中,()不属NDB工作种类。
A. 调幅报 B. 等幅报 C. 调幅话 D. 调频报 [单选题]下列为雌激素和孕激素有协同作用的是
A.输尿管蠕动 B.子宫颈黏液稀薄 C.增生期子宫内膜 D.子宫收缩 E.乳房发育 [单选题]二次系统和照明等回路上的工作,需要将高压设备停电者或做安全措施者应填用( )工作票。
A.A.第二种 B.B.带电作业 C.C.第一种 D.D.二次工作安全措施 [简答题]简述设置“信、集、闭“系统的主要原理?
A. B类 B. A类 C. 严重A D. 离岗一个月 [单选题]腰穿术后应去枕平卧
A.A:24h; B.12h; C.8~10h; D.4~6h; E.2~4h; [简答题]幼儿教师怎样进行折纸教学?
A.外国人、无国籍人、外国企业和组织在人民法院起诉、应诉,同中华人民共和国公民、法人和其他组织有同等的诉讼权利和义务 B.票据的背书、承兑、付款和保证行为的效力,适用行为地法 C.《国际货物销售合同公约》规定,发价于送达被发价人时生效 D.一国国内法中专门用于调整涉外民商事法律关系的规范 [多项选择]起重作业一般要求,各式起重机应依据相关规范装设有()、联锁开关等安全装置。
A. 过卷扬限制器 B. 过负荷限制器 C. 起重臂俯仰限制器 D. 行程限制器 [单项选择]对英国人的准确称呼应该是()。
A. 英格兰人 B. 苏格兰人 C. 威尔士人 D. 不列颠人 [简答题]到发线"中岔"接发列车有关规定?
[单选题]停车场信号显示中,接车兼调车信号机显示为( )表示不准列车越过该信号机。
A.一个红色灯光 B.一个月白色灯光 C.一个黄色灯光 D.一个绿色灯光 [单项选择]The nurse formulates a nursing diagnosis of Activity intolerance related to inadequate oxygenation and dyspnea for a client with chronic bronchitis. To minimize this problem, the nurse instructs the client to avoid conditions that increase oxygen demands such as the following()
A. drinking more than 1,500 mL of fluid daily. B. eating a high-protein snack at bedtime. C. eating more than three large meals per day. D. being overweight. 我来回答: 提交