It sounds like a science fiction, but
researchers say it’s a scientific fact: Microscopic organisms dubbed "killer
algae" are paralyzing fish with unknown toxins and then eating away at their
flesh. {{U}}They{{/U}} might be making people sick, too. The name given to this single-cell organism, or dinoflagellate, is Pfiesteria piscimorte—{{U}}literally{{/U}}, "fish killer." It was discovered at North Carolina State University in 1988, but at the same time, few scientists believed in its existence, much less in its highly unusual predatory nature. But ongoing research has led to international acknowledgment of the phenomenon and, recently, research funding. Seemingly {{U}}prompted{{/U}} by an unknown substance secreted by fish, the aggressive creature swims into action. It sends neurotoxins into the water and air, paralyzing a fish’s nervous syste A. namely B. superficially C. imaginatively D. actually [单项选择]工程量清单中的其他项目清单列项不包括( )。
A. 预留金 B. 材料购置费 C. 总承包服务费 D. 环境保护费 [判断题]客运服务质量问题分为服务质量不良反映、服务质量一般问题、服务质量较大问题、服务质量重大问题。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]谎言 对于( )相当于( )对于 故意
A.谎话 大意 B.善意 错误 C.真心 无心 D.恶意 过失 [多项选择]物业管理是与建立社会主义市场经济体制相适应的( )的管理。
A. 社会化 B. 专业化 C. 市场化 D. 全球化 E. 国际化 [简答题]时间继电器的文字符号表示为()
[单项选择]What's the matter ______ him
A. for B. with C. on [单选题]不需要调整图定跨局旅客列车开行的站场改造是几级施工
A.一级 B.二级 C.三级 D.四级 [判断题]3325 雷雨天气严禁巡视室外高压设备。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]依据《国家电网公司输变电工程施工现场关键点作业安全管控措施》,业主项目部加强转序管理,按()的原则。
A.谁检查谁签字、谁签字谁负责 B.谁检查谁签字、谁组织谁负责 C.谁组织谁签字、谁签字谁负责 D.谁承包谁签字、谁签字谁负责 [单项选择]健身健美操首先要遵循的练习原则是什么()?
A. 强度大 B. 安全、有效 C. 动作变化丰富 [判断题]( )在雷电情况下测量高压设备的绝缘电阻时,应戴绝缘手套。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]下列属于烟草制品的是( )。
A.烟叶 B.卷烟纸 C.烟丝 D.复烤烟叶 [单选题]建筑物之间火灾的蔓延形式不包括( )。
A.热辐射 B.飞火 C.热对流 D.热传导 我来回答: 提交