Everyone chases success, but not all of
US want to be famous. South African writer John Maxwell Coetzee is well-known
for keeping himself to himself. When the 63-year-old was named the 2003 Nobel Prize winner for literature earlier this month, reporters were warned that they would find him "particularly difficult to catch". Coetzee lives in Australia but spends part of the year teaching at the University of Chicago. He seemed shocked by the news that he won the US$1.3 million prize. "I wasn’t even aware they were due to make the announcement," he said. His love of privacy led to doubts as to whether Coetzee will attend the prize-giving in Stockholm, Sweden, on December 10. But despite being described as difficult to track down the critics agree that his writing is easy to get to know. Born in Cape A. excited B. surprised C. frightened D. satisfied [判断题]场地、器材出水湿滑以后,跑动、攀登时应控制速度,不具备训练基本条件时应果断停训,防 止滑倒摔伤。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]慢性萎缩性胃炎的确诊主要依据()
A. 胃镜下胃黏膜皱襞平坦、变薄 B. 胃镜下可见黏膜红白相间 C. 胃镜活检病理学检查示胃黏膜炎性细胞浸润 D. 胃镜活检病理学检查示黏膜腺体减少 E. 有幽门螺杆菌感染 [单选题]全面深化改革必须长期坚持党的思想路线,即坚持( )。
A.解放思想、实事求是、与时俱进、求真务实 B.解放思想、实事求是、与时俱进 C.解放思想、实事求是 D.解放思想 [单选题]以下哪类设备不在设备台帐各指标的评价范围内(____)。
A.资产性质为“用户”的设备 B.在运的设备 C.正在做试验的设备 D.正在消缺的设备 [简答题]分别简述闸阀与蝶阀的工作原理。
A. 消防应急照明灯具应均匀布置,最好安装在棚顶或距楼地面2m以上的侧面墙上 B. 在侧面墙上顶部安装时,其底部距地面距离不得低于2m C. 在距地面1m以下侧面墙上安装时,应采用嵌入式安装 D. 消防应急照明灯具凸出墙面最大水平距离不应超过20mm,且应保证光线照射在安装灯具的水平线以上 E. 不得安装在地面或1~2m之间侧面墙上 我来回答: 提交