It’s becoming something of a joke along
the Maine-Canada border. So many busloads of retired people crisscross the line
looking for affordable drugs that the roadside stands should advertise,
"Lobsters. Blueberries. Lipitor. Coumalin." Except, of course, that such a
market in prescription drugs would be illegal. These senior long-distance shopping strees fall in a legal gray zone. But as long as people cross the border with prescriptions from a physician and have them filled for no more than a three-month supply for personal use, customs and other federal officials leave them alone. The trip might be tiring, but people can save an average of 60 percent on the cost of their prescription drugs. For some, that’s the difference between taking the drugs or doing without. "The last bus trip I was on six months ago had 25 seniors," say A. people can buy as many drugs for personal use B. the cross-border drug shopping has been out of the federal control C. Chellie Pingree used to be one of the cross-border shoppers for drugs D. the cross-border shopping is the only way for some Americans to get drugs [单选题]钢筋焊接接头应优先选择( )。
A.双面搭接焊 B.单面搭接焊 C.帮条焊 D.闪光对焊 [判断题]空气呼吸器安全阀的关闭压力应大于减压器输出压力最大设计值。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [名词解释]序数效用(Ordinal utility)
A.正确 B.错误 C.略 D.略 E.略 F.略 [判断题]固体放射性同位素制剂内容器一般使用橡皮塞密封的小玻璃瓶。
A. 颞叶 B. 顶叶 C. 丘脑区 D. 蝶鞍区 E. 额叶 [单项选择]当事者和观察者对当事者行为原因的解释往往有明显的不同,这表明()影响归因过程及其结果。
A. 利益 B. 社会视角 C. 态度 D. 控制点 [单项选择]ASCII码共有多少个字符
A. 126 B. 127 C. 128 D. 129 [多选题]火场警戒力量,一般由( )等组成。
A.消防人员 B.属地民警 C.交巡警 D.武警 E.事故单位的保安人员 [单项选择]下列各句中,有形容词使动用法的是()
A. 项伯杀人,臣活之。 B. 赵主之子孙侯者,其继有在者乎? C. 吾亦是吾意而非子之意也。 D. 晋侯见郑伯,有加礼,厚其宴好而归之。 [单选题]电流互感器和电压互感器的二次绕组应有(.)永久性的、可靠的保护接地。
A.一点且仅有一点. B.两点. C.多点. D.至少一点 [单项选择]患者,男,30岁,1个月来右侧上后牙食物嵌塞,嵌塞后引起疼痛不能继续进食,要求治疗。查;右上颌第一磨牙深龋,去腐质后未探及穿髓孔,叩(-),冷测同对照牙,探远中龈乳头出血其治疗应选用()
A. 磨除法 B. 再矿化法 C. 药物治疗 D. 垫底后充填 E. 安抚后充填 [单项选择]Reforming the Social Security retirement program is an issue of enormous practical importance. Yet it remains the missing piece in American policy analysis. At a time when the Congress and the Administration are considering ways to reform welfare, Medicare, Medicaid, and the income tax, elected officials are still unwilling to confront the serious problems of our Social Security system. Eventually, however, its deteriorating financial condition will force major reforms. Whether those reforms are good or bad, whether they deal with the basic economic problems of the system or merely protect the solvency of existing institutional arrangements will depend in part on whether we, as economists, provide the appropriate intellectual framework for analyzing reform alternatives.
Major policy changes that affect the public at large can only happen in our democracy when there is widespread public support for the new direction of policy. In the field of economics, the views of the media, of o A. America. B. democratic countries. C. a country where and when opinion upholds change. D. all of the above. E. none of the abov [单选题]活塞引水泵张紧轮依靠( )的张力张紧。
A..压力推杆 B.引水扳手拉线 C.拐臂弹簧 [单选题]设备安装之前需要对现场进行(),确认机房环境和接地系统具备设备安装条件
A.工程勘察 B.环境验收 C.卫生清理 D.可靠性检查 [简答题]
某工程项目建设单位通过招标选择了一具有相应资质的监理单位承担施工招标代理和施工阶段监理工作,并在监理中标通知书发出后第45天,与该监理单位签订了委托监理合同。之后双方又另行签订了一份监理酬金比委托监理合同中标价降低10%的协议。 在施工公开招标中,有A、B、C、D、E、F、G、H等施工单位报名投标,经监理单位资格预审均符合要求,但建设单位以A施工单位是外地企业为由不同意其参加投标,而监理单位坚持认为A施工单位有资格参加投标。 评标委员会由5人组成,其中当地建设行政管理部门的招投标管理办公室主任1人、建设单位代表1人、政府提供的专家库中抽取的技术经济专家3人。 评标时发现:B施工单位投标报价明显低于其他投标单位报价且未能合理说明理由;D施工单位投标报价大写金额小于小写金额;F施工单位投标文件提供的检验标准和方法不符合招标文件的要求;H施工单位投标文件中某分项工程的报价有个别漏项;其他施工单位的投标文件均符合招标文件要求。 建设单位最终确定G施工单位中标,并按照《建设工程施工合同(示范文本)》与该施工单位签订了施工合同。 工程按期进入安装调试阶段后,由于雷电引发了一场火灾。火灾结束后48小时内,G施工单位向项目监理机构通报了火灾损失情况:工程本身损失150万元;总价值100万元的待安装设备彻底报废;G施工单位人员烧伤所需医疗费及补偿费预计15万元,租赁的施工设备损坏赔偿10万元;其他单位临时停放在现场的一辆价值25万元的汽车被烧毁。另外,大火扑灭后G施工单位停工5日,造成其他施工机械闲置损失2万元以及必要的管理保卫人员费用支出1万元,并预计工程所需清理、修复费用200万元。损失情况经项目监理机构审核属实。 [问题]
[多选题]导致重整催化剂失活的原因有( )。
A.原料油干点过高 B.反应温度过高 C.反应温度、压力和氢油比不变,反应空速过低 D.反应温度、压力和空速不变,氢油比降低 我来回答: 提交