Certainly dustmen prefer to be known as "Reuse Collection and Disposal Officers" (垃圾回收处理官员). You may think that this is rather (13) , and it is better to call a spade a spade.
But dustmen can be as (14) as people of any other occupation (职业), though we must (15) that their job is not a (16) one in the world. We often take dustmen for granted. Perhaps because they usually come very early in the morning, before most people are (17) . We are likely to forget their (18) . Our dustbins are (19) regularly, but we (20) stop to think about the men who do this. However, it is one of the most important jobs in the world, and when there are no dustmen to (21) the rubbish, the general (22) soon become aware that something is wrong.
Recently, the dustmen of England went on strike for higher wages. During the first few days it was regarded as a (23) . But when the first two weeks had pass
A. society
B. citizen
C. public
D. community
Communication is the sending of
information or news from one person to another. If human beings could not
communicate with one another, each person would have to learn everything for
himself. Although animals as well as men can communicate, so far as we know,
they can express only the simple emotions like pain, joy, fear, hunger, anger
and love. Some animals have a more advanced form of language using sounds, and
others use a wide range of sounds and face movements, but we still have much to
learn about these animal languages. Speech is the most important means of communication between people. But it is not the only one. Nor is it the oldest. We use facial expressions, gestures and hand movements to express our feelings and to send signals to other people. Animals use this "body language" a great deal. The sign language used by de A. speech B. touch and heating C. sounds D. body language [简答题]村里发现大面积水稻田枯死,村民认为是邻村厂污染所致,大批村民持械要去找厂理论,若你是值班村干部,你怎么办?
[单选题]角膜的折射率为( )。
A.1.406 B.1.376 C.1.336 D.1.502 [判断题]馏的原理是根据混合物中各组分的挥发度不同 。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]不准在易燃、易爆场所使用( )或( )。
A.电器 B.明火 C.携带火种 D.电源 [多项选择]下列各部分构件属于小木作的有( )。
A. 梁 B. 檩 C. 门 D. 窗 E. 屏风 [单选题]下列核型中,属于三倍体的是()(0.7分)
A.46,XY B.45,X C.47.XXY D.48,XXXX E.69,XY [单选题]值班员可将其保管的高压分间钥匙交给( )。(职工)(应知应会-《安规》第15条)
A.有权单独巡视的人员和检修作业组的工作领导人 B.助理值班员 C.检修作业组的任何组员 D.日勤人员 [单项选择]在四大传统媒体中,()的发展历史最短。
A. 杂志 B. 传单 C. 报纸 D. 电视 [单选题]经过长期努力,中国特色社会主义进入新时代。这个新时代是( )。
A. 社会主义发展的新时代 B. 中国特色社会主义新时代 C. 国际共产主义的新时代 D. 人类社会发展的新时代 [多选题]关于密封气过滤器的更换,下列说法正确的有()。
A.当密封气压力变高时需切换 B.当密封气压差过大时,需切换 C.先打开备用台的进出口阀,再关闭运行过滤器的进出口阀 D.切换后需立即清理并备用 [单项选择]早期声带癌CT可表现为
A. 正常或一侧声带稍增厚 B. 声带固定于内侧位 C. 杓状软骨移位 D. 钙化性斑块 E. 喉软骨破坏 [单项选择]国家商检部门根据国家统一的(),对有关的进出口商品实施()。
A. 认证制度,认证管理 [判断题]电气设备不得超铭牌使用,隔离型电源总开关可以带负荷拉闸。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交