The technology of the North American colonies did
not differ strikingly from that of Europe, but in one respect, the colonists
enjoyed a great advantage.Especially by comparison with Britain,Americans had a
wonderfully plentiful supply of wood. The first colonists did not, as many people imagine, find an entire continent covered by a continuous forest.Even along the Atlantic seaboard, the forest was broken at many points.Nevertheless, all sorts of fine trees abounded, and through the early colonial period, those who pushed westward encountered new forests.By the end of the colonial era, the price of wood had risen slightly in eastern cities, but wood was still extremely abundant. The availability of wood brought advantages that have seldom been appreciated. Wood was a foundation of the economy.Houses and all manner of buil A. They were more expensive than American houses. B. They were generally built witll imported materials. C. They were usually built from materials other than wood. D. They were typically smaller than homes in North America. [单项选择]硫酸钙可以有三种不同的水合结晶形态从磷酸溶液中沉淀出来,其生成条件主要取决于()。
A. 反应温度和磷酸浓度 B. 过滤工艺 C. 磷矿的品位 [单项选择]烟草专卖品准运证的管理办法由()负责解释。
A. 国家烟草专卖行政主管部门 B. 省级烟草专卖行政主管部门 C. 国家经济贸易委员会 D. 国家发展和改革委员会 [填空题]设在主函数中有以下定义和函数调用语句,且fun函数为void类型;请写出fun函数的首部 【15】 。要求形参名为b。
main( ) double s[10][22]; int n; …… fun(s); …… [单选题]器材应按规定堆放,绝缘子应包装完好,堆放高度不宜超过()m。
A.3.5 B.2 C.2.5 D.3 E.略 F.略 [单选题] 下列有助于鉴别肝细胞性黄疸和胆汁瘀积性黄疸的是
A. 有无血红蛋白尿 B. 血中结合胆红素增高 C. 皮肤粘膜颜色 D. 尿胆红素阳性 E. 尿胆原定性和定量检查 [填空题]Dear Sir or Madam,
This is Chrissie Snow from Administrative Department. I have worked here for 6 months (1) May 2, 2008. I am always working very hard in my post and doing my best to pursue perfection. I love our company, and I (2) I could have long-term development here. Therefore, I want to know the company (3) . As the Market Department is the leading department, which is (4) the main business, I want to enter this department to learn more. I (5) I will work as hard in the new department as in my current department. I desperately expect your permission! Sincerely yours, Chrissie SnowDear Sir or Madam, This is Chrissie Snow from Administrative Department. I have worked here for 6 months (1) May 2, 2008. I am always working very hard in my post and doing my best to pursue perfection. I love our company, and I (2) I could have long-term development here. Therefore, [填空题] () 是机车、车辆和列车的运行基础。
[多选题]事故发生单位主要负责人未依法履行安全生产管理职责,导致事故发生的,依照以下( )规定处以罚款。
A. 发生一般事故的,处上一年年收入 30%的罚款 B. 发生较大事故的,处上一年年收入 40%的罚款 C. 发生重大事故的,处上一年年收入 50%的罚款 D. 发生重大事故的,处上一年年收入 60%的罚款 E. 发生特别重大事故的,处上一年年收入 70%的罚款 [单项选择]
酵素是一种无需消化就能被人体吸收的小分子营养品,其营养物质由原材料中的微生物转化和增殖产生。此外,这些微生物利用蔬果里的维生素,氨基酸等物质进行代谢转化也能产生营养物质。酵素里还含有微量的酶,其中以糖化酶和蛋白酶为主,这些酶可以将糖转化为细胞可用的物质。近年来,酵素产品被商家大肆宣传,声称酵素有减肥功效,使得一些爱美的消费者对其趋之若鹜。 A. 服用某些含有益生菌及多种微生物的酵素类产品,具有一定的瘦身效果 B. 在一定条件下,酵素类产品中的益生菌和微生物有促进肠道蠕动的作用 C. 酵素进入人体后,其中的酶会被消化系统降解,无法发挥生物催化作用 D. 市场上不合格的酵素类产品,可能会对服用者的身体造成巨大伤害 [判断题]运输危险化学品的槽罐以及其他容器必须封口严密,能够承受正常运输条件下下产生的内部压力和外部压力。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]在同一坠落方向上,一般不得进行上下交叉作业。如需进行交叉作业时,中间应设置安全防护层,坠落高度超过( )的交叉作业应设双层防护。
A.12米 B.24米 C.28米 [判断题])醉是以酒和盐作为主要调味料浸泡原料的方法,醉料的酒一般是二锅头酒和绍兴料酒。
[单项选择]关于膀胱的叙述,下列哪项是正确的 ( )
A. 膀胱底朝向下方 B. 膀胱底内面的膀胱三角区内,有许多黏膜皱襞 C. 膀胱三角的两个侧角间有横行的黏膜皱襞 D. 膀胱三角的上角为尿道内口 E. 以上都不正确 [单项选择]{{B}}Passage 3{{/B}}