Music comes in many forms; most
countries have a style of their own. (1) the turn of the
century when jazz was born, America had no prominent (2) of
its own. No one knows exactly when jazz was (3) ,or by whom.
But it began to be (4) in the early 1900s. Jazz is America’s
contribution to (5) music. In contrast to classical music,
which (6) formal European traditions, jazz is spontaneous
and free-form. It bubbles with energy, (7) the moods,
interests, and emotions of the people. In the 1920, jazz (8)
like America. And (9) it does today. The (10)
of this music are as interesting as the music (11)
. American Negroes, or blacks, as they are called today, were the jazz
(12) . They were brought to the Southern states (13)
slaves. They were sold to plantat A. whistled B. sung C. showed D. presented [单项选择]颞下颌关节在做开闭运动时描述不正确的为()
A. 当大开颌时,髁状突不仅转动而且滑动 B. 当大开颌时,运动轴心在髁状突和下颌孔附近 C. 当小开颌时,髁状突仅转动 D. 当小开颌时,运动轴心在下颌孔 E. 当小开颌时,运动发生在下腔 [判断题]装载爆炸品、气体类危险货物的车辆及救援列车,必须停放在固定的线路上,两端道岔应扳向不能进入该线的位置并加锁。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]液化石油气因螺栓松动引起法兰泄漏时,可使用( ),紧固螺栓,制止泄漏。
A. 铁制钳子 B. 钢制扳手 C. 无火花工具 D. 套筒组 [单选题]劳动者素质是指( )
A.文化程度 B.技术熟练程度 C.职业道德素质与专业技能素质 D.思想觉悟 [多选题]运输工具在运输途中发生了搁浅、触礁、沉没等意外事故,不论意外发生之前或之后货物在海上遭遇恶劣气候、雷电、海啸等自然灾害造成被保险货物的部分损失,属于以下( )的承范围。
A.平安险 B.水渍险 C.一切险 D.附加险 [单选题]带电作业工具的电气试验周期为预防性试验每年(),检查性试验每年一次,两次试验间隔半年。
A.A.一次 B.B.二次 C.C.三次 D.D.四次 E.略 F.略 G.略 [单项选择]2岁以后至青春期前,小儿身高稳步增长,平均每年增长()
A. 1~2cm B. 2~3cm C. 3~5cm D. 5~7cm E. 7~9cm 我来回答: 提交