Thanksgiving Day The American Thanksgiving Day celebration goes back to 1621. In that year, a special dinner was prepared in Plymouth, Massachusetts. The people who had settled there had left England because they were forbidden to keep their religious belief. They came to the new land and faced difficulties in sailing across the ocean. The ship which carried them was called "the Mayflower". The North Atlantic was hard to travel. There were bad storms and huge waves. With the help of the Indians, they learned to live in the new land. These Puritans, as they were called, had much to be thankful for. They could enjoy religious freedom. They learned how to grow their crops in accordance with the climate and soil. Now when they selected the fourth Thursday of November for their Thanksgiving cel A. Because of religious problem. B. To set up a new religion. C. To learn new farming. D. Because of the Indians. [单选题][题号:501;鉴定点:BAD008;选择题;题分:1;难度:3;一致性:5]
在操作中,热量平衡具体反应在( )。 A.塔顶温度 B.塔顶压力 C.侧线量 D.汽油量 [判断题]2.138车辆管理所办理机动车登记业务和机动车驾驶证业务时,可以依据相
关法律法规认可、使用电子签名、电子印章、电子证照。 A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]
In 1951, Time magazine set out to paint a portrait of the nation’s youth, those born into the Great Depression. It doomed them as the Silent Generation, and a generally dull lot: cautious and obedient, uninterested in striking out in new directions or shaping the great issues of the day—the outwardly efficient types whose inner agonies the novel "Revolutionary Road" would analyze a decade later. [多选题]为减少接触电阻可( )。
A.增大接触面积 B.增加接触压力 C.消除氧化膜 D.在小型触头表面镀银 [多选题]缓冲器的类型包括: ( )。
A.电力作用式 B.弹簧作用式 C.液压作用式 D.电磁作用式 [判断题]高压验电应戴手套。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]关于椎间盘错误的说法是
A.外周为纤维环 B.内部为髓核 C.脊柱腰段椎间盘最厚 D.牢固连结两个椎骨,不能活动 E.外伤时髓核可外突 [单选题]拔法时以指下压一定深度,再做与肌纤维肌腱呈( )方向的拔动。
A.垂直 B.向上 C.向下 D.任意方向 [单选题]上皮组织的特点不包括
A. 有丰富的感觉神经末稍 B. 有血管 C.具有保护功能 D.细胞多、基质少 [单项选择]主动脉粥样硬化最主要的后果是()
A. 休克 B. 主动脉瘤 C. 高血压 D. 肠梗阻 E. 脑栓塞 [判断题]债券差价收入中,卖出交易所上市债券于成交日确认债券差价收入,并按应收取的全部价款与其成本、应收利息和相关费用的差额入账。()
[多项选择]冯某居住在甲地,在乙地承包一工厂生产假冒伪劣产品并在丙地销售,在运输途中被丁地行政管理机关查出。对冯某的违法行为要进行行政处罚,以下行政机关谁有管辖权( )
A. 甲地依法享有处罚权的行政机关 B. 乙地依法享有处罚权的行政机关 C. 丙地依法享有处罚权的行政机关 D. 丁地依法享有处罚权的行政机关 [判断题]编制应急救援预案的目的是确保不发生事故。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]( )是指利用消防船(艇)、冲锋舟、橡皮艇等营救水域遇险人员的方法。
A. 岸基救助法 B. 入水救助法 C. 船艇救助法 D. 绳桥救助法 E. 载运救助法 F. 接力救助法 [单选题]下列选项中属于管制刀具的是( ).
A.三棱刀、弹簧自锁刀、指甲刀。 B.三棱刀、匕首、弹簧自锁刀 C.匕首、军用刺刀、削铅笔刀 D.弹簧自锁刀、餐刀、民族区使用的民族刀具 [单项选择]可确诊食道阻塞的方法是()
A. 吞咽障碍 B. 食道视诊或触诊 C. 胃管探针 D. X光检查有异物阴影 E. 触摸 [单项选择]在刑法分则条文中只简单描述具体犯罪的基本特征而不做更多的解释的罪状是( )。
A. 空白罪状 B. 简单罪状 C. 叙明罪状 D. 引证罪状 我来回答: 提交