Some personal characteristics play a
vital role in the development of one’s intelligence. But people fail to realize
the importance of cultivating these factors in young people. The so-called "non-intelligence factor" include {{U}} (21) {{/U}} feelings, will, motivation, interests and habits. After a 30-year follow-up study of 8,000 males, American psychologists {{U}} (22) {{/U}} that the main cause of disparities in intelligence is not intelligence {{U}} (23) {{/U}} , but non-intelligence factors including the desire to learn, will-power and self-confidence. {{U}} (24) {{/U}} people all know that one should have definite objectives, a strong will and good learning habits, quite a number of teachers and parents don’t pay much attention to {{U}} (25) {{/U}} these factors. Some parents are greatly worried {{U}} (26) {{/U}} A. projects B. warnings C. proposals D. decision [单项选择]士别三日:吕蒙
A. 窃符救赵:信陵君 B. 奇货可居:张骞 C. 纸上谈兵:关羽 D. 一发千钧:王安石 [判断题]现场办理工作许可手续前,工作许可人应与工作票签发人核对线路名称、设备双重名称,检查核对现场安全措施,指明保留带电部位。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]波浪较大,白碎浪很多,呼啸声不断时,江面实际风力确定为5级; ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]大型公用事业工程是指项目投资总额在( )以上的供水、供热等市政工程项目。
A. 1000万元 B. 2000万元 C. 500万元 D. 3000万元 [单选题]IXP2000电话交换机DLU板卡必须插在( )槽位。
A.奇数 B.CT1 C.CT2 D.偶数 [判断题]某单座气动调节阀,当推杆带阀杆移动到全行程的50%时,则流量也是最大流量的50%。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]QC小组的宗旨:提高职工素质,激发职工的消极性和创造性。
A.对 B.错 C.a.消极 D.b.积极 E.c.懒惰 [单选题]有下列那种情形,有关部门应当及时开展生物安全风险调查评估,依法采取必要的风险防控措施。( )
A.A、通过风险监测或者接到举报发现可能存在生物安全风险 B.B、为确定监督管理的重点领域、重点项目,制定、调整生物安全相关名录或者清单 C.C、发生重大新发突发传染病、动植物疫情等危害生物安全的事件 D.D、需要调查评估的其他情形 E.E、以上都是 [多选题]火场排烟的方法有( )。
A.自然排烟 B.人工排烟 C.机械排烟 D.移动排烟 [多选题]倒闸操作前,操作人员(包括监护人)应了解( )和( ),对操作指令有疑问时应向发令人询问清楚无误后执行。
A.操作目的 B.调度命令 C.操作顺序 D.操作流程 我来回答: 提交