Electronic Mail During the past few years, scientists all over the world have suddenly found themselves productively engaged in task they once spent their lives avoiding - writing, any kind of writing, but particularly letter writing. Encouraged by electronic mail’s surprisingly high speed, convenience and economy, people who never before touched the stuff are regularly, skillfully, even cheerfully tapping out a great deal of correspondence. Electronic networks, woven into the fabric of scientific communication these days, are the route to colleagues in distant countries, shared data, bulletin boards and electronic journals. Anyone with a personal computer, a modem and the software to link computers over teleph A. The quick speed of discoveries may have ill effects on discoveries. B. Although it dose not speed up correspondence, it helps to make discoveries. C. It quickens mutual communication even if it does not accelerate discoveries. D. It shrinks time for communication and accelerates discoveries. [多选题]组织生活会一般以()形式召开。
A.党员大会 B.支委会会议 C.党小组会 D.党课 [单选题]探亲乘车证准乘除()外的各种旅客列车。
A.国际列车 B.国际列车、旅游列车 C.旅游列车 D.直达特快旅客列车 [简答题]请根据以下要点写一篇短文,谈谈你对污染的看法。
1.污染问题目前已经相当严重,成为全球性问题,给人类和自然界的动植物造成了严重危害; 2.列举两至三种产生污染的原因及污染造成的严重后果; 3.列举两至三条治理污染的措施。 要求:要点完整,不要逐字翻译。词数:100左右。 [单项选择]
One factor that can influence consumers is their mood state. Mood may be defined (1) a temporary and mild positive or negative feeling that is generalized and not tied (2) any particular circumstance. Moods should be (3) from emotions which are usually more intense, (4) to specific circumstances, and often conscious. (5) one sense, the effect of a consumer’s mood can be thought of in (6) the same way as can our reactions to the (7) of our friends -- when our friends are happy and "up", that tends to influence us positively, (8) when they are "down", that can have a (9) impact on us. Similarly, consumers operating under a (10) mood state tend to react to stimuli (刺激因素) in a direction (11) with that mood state. Thus, for example, we should expect to see (12) in a positive mood state evaluate products in more of a (13) {{/U}} manner than they would when not in such a state. (14) , mood states appear capable of (15) a consumer’s memory. [单选题]假设某企业2018年3月产生尾矿1000吨,其中综合利用的尾矿300吨(符合国家相关规定),在符合国家和地方环境保护标准的设施贮存300吨。尾矿环保税适用税额为每吨15元,该企业当月尾矿应缴纳的环境保护税( )元。
A.15000 B.10500 C.6000 D.4500 [单选题] 在非管制空域内飞行,( )空中交通管制服务,航空器( )飞行计划和飞行动态
A. 提供;申请 B. 不提供;不用申请 C.不提供;申请 [单项选择]各项建设用地中对地形的坡度最敏感的项目是( )。
A. 居住用地 B. 城市道路 C. 机场用地 D. 铁路站场 [单项选择]下列不属失眠病因的是()
A. 营血亏虚 B. 痰湿困脾 C. 心胆气虚 D. 食积胃脘 E. 阴虚火旺 [单选题]如企业需要通过网上银行办理转账汇款,且无论金额大小,均须有一人授权,则须在注册时配置( )模式。
A. 有金额区间的一级授权 B. 无金额区间的无授权 C. 有金额区间的无授权 D. 无金额区间的一级授权 [多选题]配电设备系指20kV及以下配电网中的配电站、开闭所(开关站,以下简称开闭所)、箱式变电站、柱上变压器、柱上开关(包括柱上断路器、柱上负荷开关)、环网单元、电缆分支箱、( )等。
A.变电站内开关柜 B.低压配电箱 C.电表计量箱 D.充电桩 [单项选择]项目技术后评价从()等方面分析项目所采用的技术可以达到的水平。
A. 设计规范、工程标准、工艺路线、装备水平、工程质量 B. 技术难度、设计规范、工程标准、工艺路线、装备水平 C. 工程标准、工艺路线、装备水平、技术水平、工程质量 D. 工艺路线、装备水平、工程质量、设计规范、配套条件 [单选题]保护零线的统-标志为()色。
A.红 B. 黄 C. 绿 D. 绿/黄 [单项选择]在Access 2000表中输入数据时,每输完一个字段值,可以按______键转至下一个字段。
A. Tab B. Alt C. Esc D. End [单项选择]热秘兼郁怒伤肝,症见易怒目赤等,可服以下何方以清肝通便:()
A. 青麟丸 B. 更衣丸 C. 麻子仁丸 D. 济川煎 E. 以上都不是 [简答题]谈谈我国征收排污费制度存在的缺陷及其改革方向。
[填空题]直接存储器存取DMA操作前,需要对DMA控制器进行初始化,初初始化进行 ______、_______和______三项内容。
[多选题] 禁止用( )洗刷空气滤清器以及其他空气通路的零件。
A.水 B.汽油 C.煤油 D.酒精 [单选题]展放余线的人员不得站在线圈内或线弯的( )。
A.内角侧 B.外侧 C.左侧 D.右侧 [多项选择]根据《招标投标法》的规定,评标报告具有的共同特征包括( )。
A. 应在完成评标后编制 B. 由评标委员会经全体成员签字后向招标人提交 C. 评标报告中应依法推荐合格的中标候选人 D. 评标报告中应具体描述其评标过程 E. 评标报告应全面反映评标情况 我来回答: 提交