The accounts of this admirable
composer’s early proficiency in music are almost incredible. Mozart began the
piano at three years of age. At five years old he began to invent little pieces
of such ingenuity that his father used to write them down. When scarcely able to
walk, his first question to the friends who took him on their knee was, whether
they loved him, and a negative always made him weep. At six years old this
singular. child commenced with his father and sister (two years older than
himself) one of those musical tours common in Cermany, and performed at Munich
before the Elector, to the great admiration of the most musical court on the
continent. When only seven years old Mozart taught himself the violin; and thus, by the united effort of genius and industry; mastered the most difficult of all instruments. From Munich, he went to A. visitors B. competitors C. musicians D. audience [多项选择]下列关于劳动合同的履行,叙述正确的是( )。
A. 用人单位应当按照劳动合同约定和国家规定,向劳动者及时足额支付劳动报酬 B. 用人单位应当严格执行劳动定额标准,不得强迫或者变相强迫劳动者加班 C. 劳动者拒绝用人单位管理人员违章指挥、强令冒险作业的,视为违反劳动合同 D. 劳动者对危害生命安全和身体健康的劳动条件,有权对用人单位提出批评、检举和控告 E. 用人单位拖欠或者未足额支付劳动报酬的,劳动者可以依法向当地人民法院申请支付令,人民法院应当依法发出支付令 [单选题]与牙周炎最为有关的牙周创伤为
A.牙髓治疗创伤 B.牙周治疗 C.外科创伤 D.咬合创伤 E.牙震荡 [多项选择]常用的灭火器有()
A. 泡沫灭火器 B. 干粉灭火器 C. 二氧化碳灭火器 D. 1211灭火器 [判断题]麻痹性肠梗阻时仍有阵发性腹部绞痛的临床表现。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] 分组选配法要将一批零件逐一测量后,按()的大小分成若干组。
A.基本尺寸 B.极限尺寸 C.实际尺寸 [单选题]患者风湿热病史9年,因心悸、气急就诊,听诊心尖区闻及响亮粗糙、音调高的全收缩期杂音,X线检查示左房、左室增大,其诊断是( )
A.三尖瓣狭窄 B.二尖瓣关闭不全 C.主动脉瓣狭窄 D.肺动脉瓣关闭不全 E.联合瓣膜病变 [多选题]调整杆塔倾斜、弯曲、拉线受力不均时,应根据需要设置( ),并应有专人统一指挥。
A.专责监护人 B.警示标志 C.临时拉线 D.临时拉线的调节范围 [单项选择]载冷剂把被冷却物体的热量传给制冷剂起媒介的作用,因此()。
A. 制冷设备体积更大 B. 制冷设备体积更少,节省制冷剂 C. 增加了制冷管道容积 D. 制冷设备体积大,制冷管道容积小 [单项选择]通过文本框的( )属性可以获得当前插入点所在的位置。
A. Position B. SelStart C. SelLength D. SelText [判断题]飞机水上迫降后,乘务员应组织旅客撤离到风上侧,离开燃油区和燃烧区。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]在DreamWeaver插入层,层的标志在HTML中显示为( )。
A. <div> B. <href> C. <hr> D. <dir> 我来回答: 提交