股票名称 | 时间 | 盘高 | 盘低 | 收盘价 |
AAA | 09:30 | 125.1 | 124.3 | 124.5 |
AAA | 10:30 |
[单选题]当建筑物地下发生火灾,消防应急广播应进行( )广播。
A.着火层及相邻的上下层 B.本层、二层及地下各层 C.地下各层及首层 D.起火的防火分区及其相邻的防火分区 [多选题]通常按矿井防尘措施的具体功能,将综合防尘技术分为()。
A.减尘措施 B.降尘措施 C.通风除尘 D.个体防护 [单选题]顶板上的 MASKMANON(面罩人工接通)按钮护盖将该按钮保持在( ) 位,当客舱高度超过( )ft 时,旅客氧气面罩会掉下。(针对非高原构型)
A.自动;10000 B.自动;14000 C.人工;10000 D.人工;14000 [单项选择]
Unpopular Subjects Is there a place in today’s society for the study of useless subjects in our universities Just over 100 years ago Fitzgerald argued in a well-written letter (1) Nature that "Universities must be allowed to study useless subjects— (2) they don’t, who will" He went on to use the (3) of Maxwell’s electrodynamics (电动力学) as one case where a "useless subject" has been transformed to a useful subject. Nowadays this argument is again very much (4) in many universities. Indeed one suspects that it is one of those arguments that must be (5) anew (重新) by each generation. But now there is an added twist (歪曲)—subjects must not only be useful, they must also be (6) enough that students will flock (蜂拥) to do them, and even flock to pay to do them.A.if B.as C.because D.since A. Many scientists think otherwise. They see physics as a (10) science, which must be kept alive if only to (11) a base for other sciences and engineering. It is of their great personal concern that physics teaching and research is under (12) in many universities. How can it be preserved in the rush towards commercial competition major turnaround (转变) in student popularity may have to (13) until the industrial world discovers that it needs physicists and starts paying them well. [判断题]违法行为有连续或者继续状态的,从行为终了之日起计算,二年内未被发现的,不再给予行政处罚。()
[多选题] 数字化预案编制的原则包括( )
A. 详尽具体,结构完整 B. 信息准确,数据标准 C. 易于操作,规范有序 D. 高效实用,便于更新 [名词解释]抗蒸腾剂
A. 拔除后可摘局部义齿修复 B. 拔除后固定桥修复 C. 根管治疗后桩冠修复 D. 根管治疗后覆盖义齿修复 E. 拔除后种植义齿修复 [单选题]根据相关规定,公安机关对大型群众性活动实行安全许可制度。该足球联赛的安全许可机关是:(单选)
A. 市公安机关 B.甲省公安机关 C.乙省公安机关 D.国务院公安部门 [多选题]中央储备粮油贷款对象主要包括:( )。
A.中储粮直属企业 B.其他根据国家有关政策规定承贷的企业 C.地方各级储备粮油管理公司 D.地方直属库 E.地方储备库 [多项选择]中国古代上自天子王侯的都城,下至州郡府县的治所,都有城墙围绕。城墙上有()等防御工事,构成一整套坚固的防御体系。
A. 城楼 B. 角楼 C. 垛口 D. 射台 [判断题]对远方设备的遥控操作需具备操作监护、控制权限设定功能( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]属于神经性毒剂的是( )。
A.沙林 B.光气 C.塔崩 D.维埃克斯 E.梭曼 [多项选择]休克抑制状态下,血压下降是由于()
A. 代谢性酸中毒 B. 真毛细血管大量开放 C. 毛细血管网静脉压增高 D. 血浆外渗 E. 局部血管活性物质增多 [单项选择]公司的权利能力受到限制,下列对此认识正确的是:
A. 公司的权利能力只是受到其经营范围的限制 B. 公司应当在其经营范围内从事经营活动 C. 公司的经营范围只需在章程中规定,无需登记 D. 公司超越经营范围从事经营活动订立合同,该合同将为无效,但给相对人造成损失的,应当承担赔偿责任 [简答题]简述我国刑法中自首的构成条件。
[判断题]每根杆段应支垫两点,支垫处两侧应用木楔掩牢,防止滚动。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]广义的物流量应当反映商品流动过程中的装卸搬运作业量、商品()以及商品的包装、流通加工等的作业量。
A. 储存量 B. 运输量 C. 需求量 D. 销售量 [单选题]机电产品国际招标项目的招标公告应在()发布。
A.《中国日报》 B.《中国经济导报》 C.《中国建设报》 D.《中国政府采购》 [判断题] 在其他影响因素相 稳定的情况下,根据钻时高低的相 变化可以辅助判断岩性及地层变化.缝洞发育情况。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]药学服务人员应具备的素质()
A. 专业背景 B. 临床医学基础知识 C. 开展服务的实践经验和能力 D. 掌握相关的药事管理与法规知识 E. 高尚的职业道德 [简答题]你是教育局的,领导让你组织突击检查某中学的食品安全问题,你怎么组织?
A. 2000元以下 B. 2000元以上5000元以下 C. 2000元以上10000元以下 D. 10000元以上50000元以下 [判断题]公路路基填方基底一般均需进行处理。()
[单选题](2%)手工清分应由清分机构组织专门人员,对( )进行清点处理。
A.尚未配置清分设备 B.不宜采用清分设备清分的现金 C.以上均是 [判断题]广义的法律指法律的整体,狭义的法律仅指全国人民代表大会及其常务委员会制定的法律。
A. 供电线路断路 B. 转向灯搭铁不良 C. 转向灯开关损坏 D. 闪光器损坏 [单项选择]
Chimpanzees 1. Chimpanzees(黑猩猩)will soon be extinct(灭绝). If the present rate of hunting and habitat(栖息地)destruction continues, then within 20 years,there will be no chimpanzees living in the wild. But this is more than an environmental or moral tragedy(悲剧). Chimpanzee extinction may also have profound implications (含意)for the survival of their distant relatives -- human beings. 2. In 1975 the biologist Marie-Claire King and Allan Wilson discovered that the human and chimpanzee genomes(基因组)match by over 98%. Compare this to the mouse used as model for human disease in lab tests,which shares only 60% of its DNA with us. In fact, chimpanzees are far more similar to humans than they are to any other spectes of monkey. As well as resembling US genetically, chimps are highly intelligent and able to use tools. These facts alone should be enough to make protection of chimps an urgent priority(优先). But there is another,more selfish reason to preserve the chimp. 3. The chimpanzees&r 我来回答: 提交