Benjamin Franklin was the greatest
early American leader never to become president of the United States, but he
served in many other crucial positions for the colonies and the American
government. He was a great reader and did more to promote books and reading
among the public of his time than any other person born within what became the
United States. He founded a social library open to association members; he
published his own works and books by others; he founded and published newspapers. Unlike many other colonial leaders, Franklin was egalitarian, tolerant, believed strongly in democracy, and was a rabid opponent of slavery, long before such ideas were common or acceptable in most social circles. Franklin also had an almost religious belief in the value of the written word. Benjamin A. He was an expert in many fields. B. He educated himself and promoted reading among the public. C. He achieved great success solely with his own efforts from nothing. D. He was well-known at home and abroad. [单选题]小桥的桥上长度为( )m及以下。
A.10 B.15 C.20 D.50 [单选题]特种作业人员必须取得( )才允许上岗作业。 (单选题)
A.技术资格证书 B.操作资格证书 C.安全资格证书 [判断题]根据《智慧家庭场景化培训教材之装维基础》,隐形光缆的传输特性有环境特性等 。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]
The() is the largest computer network in the world. A. PC B. USB C. windows D. Internet [单项选择]
保险管理人员在从事本职工作时,应该自觉遵守的基本行为规范是() A. ①②③ B. ①③④ C. ①②④ D. ①②③④ [单选题]根据《水污染防治法》规定,( )应当采取防治水污染的对策和措施,对本行政区域的水环境质量负责。
A.县级以上人民政府环境保护主管部门 B.县级地方人民政府 C.县级人民政府环保部门 D.县级以上地方人民政府 [多选题]加强安全危险因素分析,制定落实电力安全措施和反事故措施计划,形成安全隐患( )、( )、( )的闭环管理长效机制。
A.A.排查 B.B.整改 C.C.治理 D.D.消除 [判断题]2.389. 第389题
继电保护自动装置盘及其电气设备的背面接线应由继电人员清扫。 A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]“真理是人造的供人使用的工具”的看法是()
A.辩证唯物主义 B.客观唯心主义 C.主观唯心主义 D.机械唯物主义 [单项选择]城市垃圾的危害有:侵占大量土地、污染水体、污染大气、污染土壤、农作物,影响城市环境卫生,有碍市容观瞻,以及()。
A. 水灾 B. 自然灾害 C. 火灾 D. 易引起其它灾害 [单项选择]期货从业人员应当如实向投资者申明其(),不得向投资者提供虚假文件、材料。
A. 行业背景 B. 执业能力 C. 人脉关系 D. 经济状况 [单项选择]The possibility that the explosion was caused by sabotage cannot be______.
A. broken out B. cancelled out C. ruled out D. wiped out [单项选择]隧道照明现场测量的基本物理量是______。
A. 光强 B. 光通量 C. 光效率 D. 照度 [单项选择]When the British artist Paul Day unveiled his nine metre-high bronze statue of two lovers locked in an embrace at London’s brand new St Pancreas International Station last year it was lambasted as "kitsch", "overblown" and "truly horrific". Now, a brief glimpse of a new frieze to wrap around a plinth for The Meeting Place statue has been revealed, depicting "dream-like" scenes inspired by the railways.
Passengers arriving from the continent will be greeted with a series of images including a Tube train driven by a skeleton as a bearded drunk sways precariously close to the passing train Another shows the attempted suicide of a jilted lover under a train reflected in the sunglasses of a fellow passenger. Another section reveals a woman in short skirt with her legs wrapped round her lover while they wait for the next train. Other less controversial parts of the terracotta draft frieze depicts soldiers leaving on troop trains for the First World War and the evacuation of London’ A. to display the controversial world of the past century B. to demonstrate how the ying and the yang accommodatie each other C. to picture the life of London people during those war years D. to show how human dreams come into conflict with the real world [单选题]1.19 驾驶机动车通过没有交通信号的交叉路口怎样行驶?
A.减速、观察 B.加速通过 C.大型车先行 D.左侧车辆先行 [简答题]什么是镜头的视频驱动?
A. 加强对存货的管理 B. 保证存货资金的需要量 C. 对存货占用的资金进行控制 D. 对存货占用的资金进行调度 [多选题]( )塔里木油田压井方法选择,司钻法往往在( )的情况下采用。
A. 边远井 B.近距离井 C.加重剂供应不及时 D.加重剂供应及时 E.现场不用 [多项选择]电算化会计内部管理制度包括的内容有( )。
A. 岗位责任制度 B. 操作管理制度 C. 计算机硬件、软件和数据管理制度 D. 系统维护制度 [单项选择]消费者购买了两斤白糖,经过目测,看上去是白糖。在“两斤白糖”这个概念认识中,这时“白糖”属于()
A. 内容效度 B. 效标效度 C. 构想效度 D. 信度 [单选题]眼球壁中膜(血管膜)( )
A.由前向后分为虹膜、睫状体和脉络膜三部分 B.具有感光细胞 C.虹膜具有屈光作用 D.睫状体具有屈光作用 E.在脉络膜后份有生理盲点 [多项选择]神经元可分为()等几种。
A. 感觉神经元、运动神经元和中间神经元 B. 传入神经元、传出神经元和联络神经元 C. 躯体神经元和植物神经元 D. 视觉神经元、听觉神经元、嗅觉神经元和味觉神经元 我来回答: 提交