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先兆流产( )。
A. 停经后先出现少量阴道流血,量比月经少,伴有轻微下腹痛。妇科检查子宫大小与停经周数相符,宫颈口未开,胎膜未破,妊娠产物未排出,HCG(+) B. 停经后阴道流血量增多,阵发性腹痛加重。妇科检查子宫大小与停经周数相符或略小,宫颈口已扩张,见胚胎组织或胎囊堵子宫口,HCG(+) C. 停经后阴道出血持续不止,下腹痛渐减轻。妇科检查子宫小于停经周数,宫颈口已扩张,见部分妊娠产物已排出于阴道内,而部分仍留在官腔内,HCG(±) D. 停经后妊娠产物完全排出,阴道出血逐渐停止,腹痛渐消失。妇科检查子宫接近正常大小或略大,宫颈口已关闭,HCG(-) E. 经后胚胎或胎儿已死亡滞留在官腔内尚未自然排出。妇科检查子宫小于妊娠周数,宫颈口关闭,HCG(-) [多选题]直流电路的电阻连接方式有()
A.串联 B.并联 C.跨接 D.以上都是 [单项选择]病情危重临终出现()
A. 呼吸急促 B. 潮式呼吸 C. 间停呼吸 D. 叹息样呼吸 E. Kussmaul呼吸 [判断题]现场处置方案演练,至少每年组织一次。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]特定减免税通关制度具有显著的管理特征,主要体现在( )。
A. 脱离特定使用范围,应按实际去向办理相应的报关和纳税手续 B. 在特定条件和规定范围内使用可减免进口税费 C. 原则上免予交验进出口许可证件 D. 货物进口验放后仍需受海关监管 [单选题]轨道电路监测内容
A.轨道接收端交流电压、相位角 B.轨道送端交流电压 C.轨道送端相位角 D.轨道送端电流 [名词解释]两铰拱桥
A.淀粉样变 B.玻璃样变 C.脂肪样变 D.纤维素样变 E.以上都不是 [单项选择]真核生物中经RNA聚合酶Ⅲ催化转录的产物有
A. 18S-rRNA B. tRNA C. 5,8S-rRNA D. mRNA E. 28S-rRNA [单项选择]光电测距仪中,测程小于()km为短边测距仪。
A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5 [填空题]“春波碧草,晓寒深处,相对浴红衣”是哪部小说中的词:()
[多项选择]贷款定价的形成机制比较复杂,( )是形成均衡定价的三个主要力量。
A. 市场 B. 人员 C. 银行 D. 监管机构 E. 货币 [判断题]在高压大接地短路电流系统中,当接地短路电流超过4000A时,接地电阻不宜0.5超过欧。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]严密隔离的具体措施是( )
A. 病人住单人病室,门窗关闭,病人不外出 B. 只能在休息日探视 C. 接触病人须戴口罩、帽子,穿隔离衣、裤、鞋 D. 病人的一切用物应严格消毒处理 E. 病室每天消毒1次 [多项选择]固定成本包括( )。
A. 原材料、燃料购置费 B. 折旧费 C. 办公费 D. 管理费 E. 包装费 [简答题]
阅读下列材料,回答相关问题 [单项选择]以下不是引起动脉粥样硬化的脂蛋白是()
A. 糖化LDL B. 乙酰LDL C. A型LDL D. B型LDL E. 氧化LDL [单项选择]鼠笼式三相异步式电动机调节器速,不能采取的方法是()
A. 改变磁极对数 B. 转子电路串电阻 C. 改变电源频率 D. A或C [单选题]《南昌局集团公司限制铁路运输领域严重失信人购买车票管理办法》(南铁客〔2018〕172号)规定,铁路总公司每月第一个工作日在中国铁路客户服务中心(12306)网站、“信用中国”网站发布失信人的完整信息,信息自发布之日起7个工作日为公示期。公示期内,被公示人可通过铁路“12306”客服电话提出异议,采集客运站段或铁路公安局应在()个工作日完成核查工作,并将核查结果以书面形式报公司客运处。
A.当天 B.3 C.5 D.7 [简答题]试述温病的病变过程有何规律性?
A.运营区域设备侵限或异物影响行车 B.所辖区域设备设施打火花 C.两个及以上车站/所PSCADA通信中断 D.因设备故障,车站出入口非正常关闭 [判断题]进攻技术不是散手技术体系的主体。
A. 安全储粮 B. 安全储存 C. 储存安全 D. 储粮安全 [单选题] (单选题)长期口服广谱抗生素引起的腹泻多属于
A. 外源性感染 B. 内源性感染 C. 交叉感染 D. 环境感染 E. 潜伏感染 [单项选择]大脑中动脉皮层支闭塞后引起对侧偏瘫,其特点为()
A. 不伴感觉障碍 B. 病变同侧脑神经可有下运动神经元麻痹 C. 不伴有失语 D. 不均等性瘫痪 E. 可伴有同向性偏盲 [单项选择]盐酸乙胺丁醇的药用构型是
A. 外消旋体 B. 内消旋体 C. 右旋体 D. 左旋体 E. 以上都不是 [判断题]制氢装置所产的氢气全部来自转化反应。
[多选题]灭火防护服不能使用( )洗涤油污处,以免影响使用性能。
A.柴油 B.汽油 C.煤油 D.肥皂E、洗涤剂 [单项选择]中国农业银行第二代支付系统通过()与中国人民银行支付系统连接进行资金清算。
A. 总行 B. 一级分行 C. 二级分行 D. 支行 [不定项选择题]共用题干
Teaching Math,Teaching Anxiety
In a new study about the way kids learn math in elementary school,the psychologists at the University of Chicago Sian Beilock and Susan Levine found a surprising relationship between what female teachers think and what female students learn:If a female teacher is uncomfortable with her own math skills,then her female students are more likely to believe that boys are better than girls at math. If these girls keep getting math-anxious female teachers in later grades,it may create a snowball effect on their math achievement said Levine. In other words,girls may end up learning math anxiety from their teachers. The study suggests that if these girls grow up believing that boys are better at math than girls are,then these girls may not do as well as they would have if they were more confident. Just as students find certain subjects to be difficult,teachers can find certain subjects to be difficult to learn一and teach. The subject of math can be particularly difficult for everyone. Researchers use the word“anxiety”to describe such feelings:anxiety is uneasiness or worry. The new study found that when a teacher has anxiety about math,that feeling can influence how her female students feel about math. The study involved 65 girls,52 boys and 17 first-and second-grade teachers in elementary schools in the Midwest. The students took math achievement tests at the beginning and end of the school year,and the researchers compared the scores. The researchers also gave the students tests to tell whether the students believed that a math superstar had to be a boy. Then the researchers turned to the teachers:To find out which teachers were anxious about math,the researchers asked the teachers how they felt at times when they came across math,such as when reading a sales receipt. A teacher who got nervous looking at the numbers on a sales receipt,for example,was probably anxious about math. Boys,on average,were unaffected by a teacher's anxiety. On average,girls with math-anxious teachers scored lower on the end-of-the-year math tests than other girls in the study did. Plus,on the test showing whether someone thought a math superstar had to be a boy,20 girls showed feeling that boys would be better at math一and all of these girls had been taught by female teachers who had math anxiety. “This is an interesting study,but the results need to be interpreted as preliminary and in need of replication with a larger sample,”said David Geary,a psychologist at the University of Missouri in Columbia. What is implied in the third paragraph? A.Math teachers,like math learners,do not like the subject due to its difficulty. B.A difficult subject like math may affect teachers'confidence in teaching the subject. C.Teachers are more anxious teaching math than their students learning math. D.Math is so difficult that no teachers like to teach it. [单选题]半夏镇咳、祛痰的主要有效成分是
A.黄酮类 B.生物碱 C.苷类 D.蛋白质 E.多糖 [简答题]简述信息与决策的关系
[单选题]对于非重点账户,银行应按( )与开户单位对账。
A.周 B.月 C.季度 D.年 [单选题]为保证人身安全,除专业人员按规定作业外,任何人员所携带的物件(包括长杆、导线等)与接触网设备的带电部分需保持( )m以上的距离。
A.5 B.10 C.3 D.2 [判断题]立焊、横焊时选用的电流要比平焊时的大些。
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