M: Let’s move on now to an area that appears to be of great concern to you. I’m talking about the idea of taking a desirable characteristic from one plant and transferring it into another.
Well, this has actually been happening for thousands of years, hasn’t it And surely the new techniques are just speeding up the progress of plant and animal breeding that we’ve had for a long time.
W: Well, in one sense that’s true, and in another sense, it isn t.
There is no doubt that genetic engineering saves us money and time in breeding. But on the other hand, by employing this technique we run the risk of narrowing our genetic diversity. We’re in the process of creating super-breeds with certain strains, and leaving other strains by the wayside. We’ve started to narrow our genetic diversity in... other ways. I’m thinking of how we have monocultured plants and animals in agriculture.
M: What else will genetic e
A. Unrelated species.
B. Ethical considerations.
C. Light-emitting tobacco plants.
D. New generations of super-mice.
In his youth, Knute Axelbrod wanted to
learn many languages, to know everything about human history , to {{U}} (67)
{{/U}} wise by reading great books. When he first came from Europe
{{U}} (68) {{/U}} the state of North Dakota, he worked in a mill all day
{{U}} (69) {{/U}} studied all evening. Then he met Lena Wesselius and
{{U}} (70) {{/U}} her at the age of eighteen. After that there was a farm
to pay for, and there were children to {{U}} (71) {{/U}}. For many years
Axelbrod had no time to study.
: !. F A. for B. by C. at D. from [单选题]当发现配电箱、电表箱箱体带电时,应(),查明带电原因,并作相应处理。
A.检查接地装置 B.断开上一级电源 C.通知用户停电 D.先接地 [单选题] 可作为窃电、违约用电追补依据的是( )。
A.《电力供应与使用条例》 B.《电力法》 C.《合同法》 D.《电力供应与使用条例》《电力法》《合同法》 [单选题]†年1月1日起,如经办人被委托为个人客户通过实体渠道(限主厅)代办新入网天翼号卡,同一经办人,每个自然月(每月1号至月末)可以代办入网的号卡张数,最多()张。
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.5 [单项选择]关于开放性骨折清创术,下列哪项是错误的
A. 对仍有血液供应的皮肤,只切除1~2mm污染区 B. 若皮肤剥离广泛,应将表面皮肤切开,暴露皮下创腔或隧道 C. 彻底切除失去活力的筋膜、肌肉和肌腱 D. 彻底清除大小游离碎骨片 E. 保留与骨膜及软组织有联系的小骨片 [单项选择]药物依赖是指个体对药物产生( )。
A. 精神依赖 B. 躯体依赖 C. 耐受性增加 D. 精神和躯体依赖 E. 耐受性降低 [判断题]杆塔施工过程需要采用临时拉线过夜时,应对临时拉线采取加固和防盗措施。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]影响项目组织的因素表现为社会因素和组织内部因素,属于社会因素的是( )。
A. 组织领导及成员的素质 B. 上级组织的管理模式 C. 项目的经济合同关系 D. 上级组织要求的项目管理方式 [单项选择]检测Ig和补体的含量可采用
A. 双向免疫扩散 B. 单向免疫扩散 C. 直接凝集实验 D. 间接凝集实验 E. 协同凝集实验 [单选题] “第*名,出列”属于哪种口令( )
A.断续口令 B.短促口令 C.连续口令 D. 复合口令 [单选题]’ 年 1 月 23 日起实施的维保公司《设施设备风险管理规定》中指出,对于设施设备致命风险,维保质量安全部()对风险控制情况组织评估,形成评估报告。(单选题)(1分)
A.每周 B.每月 C.每季度 D.每年 [单项选择]从Herstatt银行危机以来,()一直都关注银行由于其在任一支付系统中的支付地位而需要向其他银行支付资金时,能否在支付义务到期时满足支付要求。
A. 中央银行 B. 监管当局 C. 商业银行 D. 中央银行和监管当局 [单选题]负有安全生产监督管理职责的部门应当建立举报制度,以使举报监督()。
A.公开化、制度化 B.制度化、法定化 C.公开化、法定化 D.全面化、制度化 [多选题]公安消防部队承担的社会抢险救援任务主要有( )。(中)
A.各种事故的抢险救援 B.各种自然灾害的抢险救援 C.参与处置突发事件 D.参加地方政府各类庆典保卫活动 E.各类特殊火灾救援 [多选题]安全生产事故隐患是指,在生产经营活动过程中,存在的可能导致事故发生的( )。
A.物的不安全状态 B.人的不安全行为 C.管理上的缺陷 D.机械设备完好 [多项选择]现代金融业的三大支柱是()
A. 银行 B. 证券 C. 保险 D. 信托 我来回答: 提交