Many objects in daily use have clearly
been influenced by science, but their form and function, their dimensions and
appearances were determined by technologists, artisans, designers, inventors,
and engineers-using nonscientific modes of thought. Many features and qualities
of the objects that a technologist thinks about can’t be reduced to unambiguous
verbal descriptions; they are dealt with in the mind by a visual, nonverbal
process. In the development of Western technology, it has been nonverbal
thinking, by and large, that has fixed the outlines and filled in the details,
and rockets exist not because of geometry or thermodynamics, but because they
were first a picture in the minds of those who built them. The creative shaping process of a technologist’s mind can be seen in nearly every artifact that exists. For example, in designing a diesel engine, A. Mathematical thinking is essential to any design course. B. Non-verbal thinking has its advantage over other perceptive processes. C. Engineering design demands scientific thought. D. Artists play a primitive role in engineering work. [简答题]焊接接头位置应符合那些要求?
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]绝缘操作杆的用途有(____)。
A.闭合或断开高压隔离开关、跌落式熔断器 B.安装和拆除携带型接地线 C.测量 D.试验 [单选题]接发列车人员向列车显示的通过、停车、减速、引导手信号,须在列车接近显示人( )m以前开始显示。
A.100 B.200 C.300 D.500 [单选题]安全阀A42Y-16C中表示阀体材料为碳素钢的代码是( )。
A.A、 Y B.B、 C C.C、 A D.D、 16 [多项选择]OSAS的临床表现和症状主要有()
A. 打鼾 B. 日间极度嗜睡 C. 夜间遗尿 D. 头痛 E. 性格变化 [单选题]线路上作业不设防护、作业防护不到位、( )、违章指挥等管理因素可以造成机车车辆伤害事故。
A.作业环境不良 B.走道心 C.钻车底 [简答题]空气弹簧的气囊缺陷形式和橡胶堆的缺陷形式分别有哪些?
[单选题]R参数编程是指所编写的程序中含有( )(SIEMENS系统)。
A.子程序 B.R变量参数 C.循环程序 D.常量 [单选题]当发动机慢车时,引气系统引气为_____
A.高压级引气 B.中压级引气 C.低压级引气 D.风扇级引气 [单选题]厂级综合性安全检查每季度不少于()次,。
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 [简答题] When people care enough about something to do it well, those who do it best tend to be far better than everyone else. There’’s a huge gap between Leonardo and second-rate contemporaries. A top-ranked professional chess player could play ten thousand games against an ordinary club player without losing once.
Like chess or painting or writing novels, making money is a very specialized skill. But for some reason we treat this skill differently. No one complains when a few people surpass all the rest at playing chess or writing novels, but when a few people make more money than the rest, we get editorials saying this is wrong. Why The pattern of variation seems no different than for any other skill. What causes people to react so strongly when the skill is making money
I think there are three reasons we treat making money as different: the misleading model of wealth we learn as children; the disreputable way in which, till recently, most fortunes were accumulated; and the w
[单选题]“工作积分制”采取( )相结合的方式进行考核。
A. 月度和年度 B. 月度和季度 C. 季度和年度 D. 半年度和年度 [填空题]燃烧炉的()排放温度是550摄氏度左右。
[多项选择]属于《拙政园梧竹幽居联》中的名句的有( )。
A. 爽借清风明借月 B. 青山有幸埋忠骨 C. 万八千株芳不孤 D. 动观流水静观山 E. 此地饶千秋风月 我来回答: 提交