Speech therapists divide their cases
into common and complex. An example of a complex case is a person suffering from
aphasia. This is the loss of the ability to under- stand and/or use speech.
There are many causes of aphasia, including partial brain dam- age that leaves
the individual with the physical ability to speak. If the individual is able to
speak but does not, the therapist must determine the cause of such conduct.
Often, speech therapists determine that problems are emotional and refer the
individuals with such problems to psychologists or psychiatrists trained to help
them. While a speech therapist is not trained to help persons with severe emotional disorders, the therapist does receive extensive training in such areas as anatomy(as it relates to speech, concentrating on the diaphragm, tongue, and palate), physics(p A. It is symptomatic of mental retardation. B. It is often found in very young children. C. It is caused by physical damage to the brain, making the patient unable to speak. D. It is a complex speech defect. [单选题]消防救援人员可以与( )以及有关人员发生联系。
A.非法组织 B.合法组织 C.境外组织 D.网络组织 [判断题] BBD004 输气场站各种仪表、测量仪器选择、安装、调校应正确,并在最佳量程范围内工作。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]在电气设备上的工作,应填用工作票或事故紧急抢修单,其方式有以下( )。
A.变电站(发电厂)第一种、第二种工作票 B.电力电缆第一种、第二种工作票 C.变电站(发电厂)带电作业工作票 D.变电站(发电厂)事故紧急抢修单 [单项选择]安全文明施工的措施必须在施工前予以保证。因此,发包人应在工程开工后的28天内预付不低于当年施工进度计划的安全文明施工费总额的一定比例,该比例是()。
A. 30% B. 50% C. 60% D. 80% [多项选择]下列哪几项属于证券投资基金与股票、债券的区别( )。
A. 反映的经济关系不同 B. 所筹集资金的投向不同 C. 所属证券的形式不同 D. 风险水平不同 [判断题]电制动分为电阻制动和电空制动。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]安装三角架膨胀螺栓的规格不得小于()。
A.M6 B.M10 C.M8 [单项选择]下列体育人物与其擅长领域错误的是()。
A. 罗尼·奥沙利文:斯诺克台球 B. 泰格·伍兹:高尔夫 C. 罗杰·费德勒:网球 D. 拉菲尔·纳达尔:棒球 [简答题]解放战争时期,党组织了哪三大战役。
A.vDesk B.vTools C.FusionCare D.FusionInsight 我来回答: 提交