It’s so difficult to follow the ups and
downs of a 2-year-old.One moment he’s beaming and friendly; the next he’s sullen
(愠怒的) and weepy, often for no apparent reason. These mood swings, however, are
just part of growing up. They are signs of the emotional changes taking place as
your child struggles to take control of actions, impulses, feelings and his
body. At this age, your child wants to explore the world and seek adventure. As a result, he’ll spend most of his time testing limits, his own, yours and his environment’s. Unfortunately, he still lacks many of the skills required for the safe accomplishment of everything he needs to do, and he often will need you to protect him. When he oversteps a limit and is pulled back, he often reacts with anger and frustration, possibly with a temper tantrum (发脾气) or sullen rage. He A. signs that express his emotional changes B. skills necessary for accomplishing certain things C. control over his emotional impulses D. methods of dealing with the difficult realities of life [多选题]关于逆流固定床离子交换树脂,下列说法中正确的是( )。
A.先低流速,后逐渐增大流速,最大不超过15m/h; B.大修完后,应先进行反洗后再再生; C.每个工作周期结束后,都应进行大反洗; D.反洗效果取决于反洗水分布均匀性和树脂膨胀率。 [判断题]车门在进行较大维修工作之前,门系统可不断电,便于试验。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]目前使用的某些 SF6 断路器的检修年限可达()以上。
A.5 年 B.10 年 C.20 年 [单项选择]在财务计划现金流量表中,增值税销项税额属于( )的内容。
A. 投资活动净现金流量现金流入 B. 筹资活动净现金流量现金流出 C. 管理活动净现金流量现金流出 D. 经营活动净现金流量现金流入 [判断题]检修调度负责接报故障报告,做好故障记录,通知相关专业、班组对故障进行处理,跟进故障处理结果。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]在深化HSE管理过程中,公司或企业要把工作重点放在基层现场“两书一表”的()。
A.建立与运行上 B.组织与建立上 C.建立与组织上 D.运行与管理上 [单项选择]高血压脑出血的主要发病机制是()
A. 颅内动脉外膜不发达,管壁较薄,易致破碎 B. 硬化动脉内膜粗糙,形成内膜溃疡,在高血压作用下血管破裂 C. 在高血压的基础上,合并颅内动静脉畸形,易出血 D. 高血压可使小动脉硬化,玻璃样变,形成微动脉瘤导致破裂 E. 实质上是颅内静脉循环障碍和静脉破裂 [判断题]扣件类型与轨枕类型要相匹配。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]下列不属于果蔬人工干制方法的是()
A. 常规的热力干燥 B. 油炸脱水 C. 微波干燥 D. 真空冷冻干燥 我来回答: 提交