George Mason must rank with John Adams
and James Madison as one of the three Founding Fathers who left their personal
imprint on the fundamental law of the United States. He was the principal author
of the Virginia Declaration of Rights, which because of its early formation
greatly influenced other state constitutions framed during the Revolution and,
through them, the Federal Bill of Rights of 1791. Yet Mason was essentially a private person with very little inclination for public office or the ordinary operation of politics beyond the country level. His appearances in the Virginia colonial and state legislatures were relatively brief, and not until 1787 did he consent to represent his state at a continental or national congress or convention. Polities was never more than a means for Mason. He was at all times a man of public spirit, but politics was ne A. was exercised throughout his life B. has been recognized only by the generations that followed him C. was less important historically than his brilliance as a lawyer D. emerged powerfully, but for a brief time only [单选题]靠近线路堆放的路料,距轨头内侧不应少于( )。
A.0.510m B.0.610m C.0.710m D.0.810m [单项选择]下列不属于金融市场客体的是( )。
A. 股票 B. 保险单 C. 同业拆借 D. 外汇 [简答题]叙述剖面弯曲时畸变现象产生的原因?
[单选题]受地形、地物影响视线的地方,进站、通过、预告显示距离最坏条件下,不得小于( )米。
A.200 B.400 C.800 D.1000 [多项选择]胃大部切除术后碱性反流性胃炎的典型临床表现是()
A. 剑突下持续烧灼痛,进食后加重,抗酸剂无效 B. 胆汁性呕吐,呕吐后疼痛依旧 C. 脂肪泻 D. 体重减轻 E. 易发生癌变 [单选题]在变(配)电站、发电厂、电力线路之外的其他场所开展电力通信工作时,在()、不会误碰其他运行设备和线路的情况下,经工作票签发人同意可以单人工作。
A.检修设备可靠 B.检修人员可靠 C.安全措施可靠 D.安全工器具可靠 [单选题]《铁路技术管理规程》规定:遇有降雨天气,重点防洪地段1h降雨量达到30mm及以上时,列车限速120km/h。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]容积式灌装机运行时,若发现转动部件上有螺栓松动,采取的处理措施是()
A. 停机处理 B. 运转过程中处理 C. 灌装完后处理 D. 螺栓脱落以后处理 我来回答: 提交