If mothers could choose the sex of their children, a disproportionate number of boys would undoubtedly be (31) at first but the sex ration at birth would ultimately even out. (32) to new findings of a national survey released yesterday.
The survey (33) questioned 5981 married women (34) their sex preferences in children, indicated that most would prefer their first-born to be a boy (35) by a girl (36) the second child.
Thus, in the United States at least, the survey indicates that counter to the fears of some, the ability to select the sex of offspring would not greatly distort the ultimate sex ratio of the population.
The survey findings, a part of the 1970 National Fertility Study, also (37) that (38) the time they were questioned, at least half of currently married women (39) to leave sex selection to nature (40) than use some new technology to predete
"What’s the matter, mum " As soon as I enter the door, I find that my mother is (Example:{{U}} (0) {{/U}}). It’s unusual—she usually {{U}} (41) {{/U}} the door and welcomes me with a smile! "She’s dying," mum says sadly. I {{U}} (42) {{/U}} what she says. The tulip (郁金香), mother’s favorite flower, is dying. A month ago, we moved {{U}} (43) {{/U}} our new house and mum bought a very beautiful tulip. Mum liked it very much. {{U}} (44) {{/U}} she was free, she would sit in her armchair beside the tulip and enjoy its beautiful color {{U}} (45) {{/U}} inviting smell. She treated it like a baby and looked after it {{U}} (46) {{/U}} . She put the tulip by the window and moved it from one place to {{U}} (47) {{/U}} to give the tulip enough sunshine. The first thing she [简答题]Rahman has been engaged in the business of carpet manufacturing as a sole proprietor for the last 10 years. In addition to his own business, Rahman along with his wife and their two sons established Orient Carpets (Private) Limited (‘OCPL’) in 2008 with the main objects of manufacturing and exporting carpets. Rahman has been OCPL’s chief executive since 2008. On the advice of OCPL’s financial advisor, the shareholders want to convert OCPL into a public company.
Under the Companies Ordinance, 1984:(a) advise OCPL’s shareholders on the procedure for conversion of a private company into a public company; (4 marks)
[单选题]单开道岔和对称(双开)道岔,160km/h及以下区段的交叉点位置安全值是:交叉点位于道岔导曲线两内轨距( )范围内的横向中间位置。
A.500~800mm B.600~1050mm C.630~1085mm D.735~1085mm [单项选择]行于下肢外侧中线的经脉是()
A. 足少阴肾经 B. 足厥阴肝经 C. 足阳明胃经 D. 足太阴脾经 E. 足少阳胆经 [判断题]地质灾害现场救援时车辆要靠近远离山体的道路一侧行进。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]与氯气泄露事故相比,哪一项是氨气泄漏事故所特有的?( )
A. 扩散迅速,危害范围大。 B. 易造成大量人员中毒伤亡。 C. 易发生爆炸燃烧。 D. 污染环境,洗消困难。 [单选题]向人民法院申请宣告公民失踪,必须该公民已下落不明满多长时间:
A.A一年 B.B二年 C.C四年 D.D五年 [单项选择]用抛石注浆法灌筑封底止水盘时,所抛碎石粒经应大于()。
A. 15毫米 B. 20毫米 C. 25毫米 [单选题]型号XZJ5330JXFDG53表示徐工集团徐州重型机械有限公司生产的登高平台消防车,总质量为( )t。(中)
A.53 B.33 C.30 D.35 [判断题] 水油比表示每采出一吨油的同时要采出多少立方米水。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题] 分包单位安全员的配备应按住建部的规定,专业分包至少2人
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]严重故障(等级1):严重影响列车运行的故障,有可能导致乘客和车辆出现危险,司机需对故障进行确认和立即处理。如果故障不能及时排除,列车需要在运行的下一站进行清客,空车回库以解决故障。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]根据《山东高速集团高速公路运营管理服务标准规范》,各城市主要出入口收费站广场环境达到四净三新三定,其中三新指的是()每年见新。
A. 收费岛头 B. 隔离墩 C. 标线 D. 收费护栏 [判断题]燃烧是一种同时伴有发光、发热的激烈的氧化反应,具有发光、发热和生成新物质三个特征。()
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]2 电流对人体的伤害有三种形式:电击、电伤和电磁场生理伤害。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]评标专家应根据招标文件(资格预审文件)规定的()进行独立评审。
A.程序 B.方法 C.标准 D.规则 [单选题]下面哪一项不是教育本质讨论的实践价值?( )
A.革除教育片面追求升学率的弊端 B.消除教育的“目中无人” C.促进基础教育课程改革 D.进行教育本质问题的元研究 [单选题]列车运行中,遇昼间两臂高举头上向两侧急剧摇动,夜间白色灯光上下急剧摇动,司机应立即( )。J440
A.减速 B.降弓 C.停车 [判断题]监控系统采集的厂站及设备所有信号分为事故(故障)、异常、越限、变位、告知五类,其中消防火警属于异常信号。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]赵某因涉嫌故意伤害罪被提起公诉,人民法院决定适用简易程序,赵某不懂何谓简易程序,遂向律师咨询。下述律师对有关简易程序的说法正确的有( )
A. 简易程序不能适用于公诉案件 B. 简易程序在判决宣告前也必须听取被告人的最后陈述意见 C. 简易程序在适用中不能再转换为普通程序 D. 简易程序并不是可以适用于任何一类的自诉案件 [单项选择]前体药物的代谢特点
A. 主要在肝脏脂解为活化型,因此肝脏功能的好坏直接影响到活性药物的浓度 B. 主要在肾脏脂解为活化型,因此肾脏功能的好坏必然影响到药物疗效 C. 主要在肺脂解为活化型,因此肺功能的好坏直接影响到活性药物的质量 D. 主要在肠道脂解为活化型 E. 肝脏功能的好坏不会影响到药物浓度 [单选题]钱先生当前的工资不高,但是未来的预期收入可能有较大增长,如果他买房需要贷款,则比较适合的还款方式是( )。
A.等额递增还款法 B.等额本金还款法 C.到期一次还本付息法 D.等额本息还款法 [单选题]114、公开审判的案件,人民法院应当先期公布案由、被告人姓名、开庭时间和地点,公布的时间应在开庭( )日以前。
A.3 B.5 C.7 D.10 [单选题]有关尿沉渣管型和尿沉渣结晶的叙述正确的是
A.尿沉渣管型是尿液中的沉渣在肾小管内聚集而成,尿液中出现管型是肾实质性病变的证据 B.常见的尿沉渣管型有透明细胞管型、白细胞管型、红细胞管型、上皮细胞管型等 C.尿沉渣中的无机物沉渣主要为结晶体,多来自于食物代谢的结果 D.正常人尿沉渣中的磷酸盐、尿酸盐、草酸盐最为常见 E.尿沉渣结晶检测结果的临床意义不大 [单选题](47533)混凝土宽枕采用密铺式,每千米铺( )根。(1.0分)
A.1667 B.1680 C.1760 D.1840 我来回答: 提交