Cotton was not exported to Europe until
the eighth century A. D.. It was brought to Spain then by the Moors of North
Africa. The Europeans liked this textile and began to make cotton cloth. By the
fifteenth century, the cotton industry had spread from Spain to central Europe
and the Low Countries. When Columbus arrived in the West Indies, he found the Indians wearing cotton clothes. Pizarro, the Spanish conqueror of Peru, found that the Incas were growing cotton for use in the making of clothes. Magellan found the Brazilians swinging in cotton hammocks. And Cortes was so impressed by the beauty the cotton tapestries and rugs that the Aztecs made, that he sent some of them as presents to King Charles Ⅱ of Spain. The Chinese were the first people to make silk clothing, and, for more than 2000 years, they were the only A. In Roman Times. B. In the Middle Ages. C. In the eighteenth century. D. In the nineteenth century. [多选题]“健康传播”的传播过程组成要素是( )。
A.传播者 C.传播媒介 D.组织者 E.传播方式 [单选题]根据地市级以上气象主管部门所属气象台当日发布的预报气温,日最高气温达到35°C以上,37°C以下时,用人单位应当采取( )等方式,缩短劳动者连续作业时间。
A.换班轮休 B.停止作业 C.每隔2小时暂停一次作业 D.每隔3小时暂停一次作业 [单选题]找出下面不是基本单位扎带颜色的一种()
A.白/绿 B.红/黑 C.黄/桔 [多选题]应急救援队员野外生存保持健康的关键因素有( )。
A.充足的水 B.充足的食物 C.充分的休息 D.保持良好的个人卫生 E.接种最新疫苗 [判断题] 在潮湿的工井内使用电气设备时,操作人员应穿绝缘靴。( )( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题](51140)( )《铁路旅客运输服务质量标准》规定,列车垃圾应在停站时间长的车站装袋投放。(1.0分)
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]机车启动时要求较高的牵引力,牵引电机应该提供大的( )输出。
A.电压 B.转速 C.扭矩 [单选题]本病易产生的危重并发症是 ( )
A.脑水肿 B.颅内压升高 C.上消化道出血 D.再出血 E.昏迷 [单项选择]Is there anything more boring than hearing about someone else’s dream And is there anything more miraculous than having one of your own The voluptuous pleasure of Haruki Murakami’s enthralling fictions—full of enigmatic imagery, random nonsense, and profundities that may or may not hold up in the light of day—reminds me of dreaming. Like no other author I can think of, Murakami captures the juxtapositions of the trivial and the momentous that characterize dream life, those crazy incidents that seem so vivid in the moment and so blurry and preposterous later on. His characters live ordinary lives, boiling pasta for lunch, riding the bus, and blasting Prince while working out at the gym. Then suddenly and matter-of-factly, they do something utterly nuts, like strike up a conversation with a coquettish Siamese cat, or maybe mackerel and sardines begin to rain from the sky. In Murakami’s world, these things make complete, cock-eyed sense.
Like many of Murakami’s heroes, Kafka Tamura i A. He is familiar with literature and music. B. He has a good relationship with his father. C. He leaves Tokyo for Shikoku at his teens. D. He often goes to the local library on Shikoku Islan [判断题]特异性投射系统的主要功能是维持大脑皮层的兴奋状态。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]组塔过程中,攀登高度( )m以上铁塔宜沿有护笼的爬梯上下。如无爬梯护笼时,应采用绳索式安全自锁器沿脚钉上下。
A.60 B.70 C.80 D.90 [判断题]照明消防车在火场上有外部电源时,可以通过随车提供的插接头插入控制柜,将外电引入,合上外电开关。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]接触网平面图中“——│││——”表示( )。
A.分相绝缘器 B.分段绝缘子串 C.分段绝缘器 D.股道间电分段 [判断题]《建筑设计防火规范》规定,所有的一类高层民用建筑都应设置消防电梯。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]诉讼时效的中止和中断的区别。
A.早上到居民李某家,了解他对社区民警工作的意见 B.中午到某商场探访安全出口和消防物品的状况 C.下午和商场收银员聊天,咨询近期商品丢失情况 D.傍晚到某小区和群众交谈,了解邻里家常 [单项选择]某企业要开发新产品,有A、B、C三种产品方案,未来市场状况有好、中、差三种状态,各状态的概率难以预测,其行动方案和损益值如下:产品A在好、中、差三种市场状态下的收益值分别为100、50、-10;产品B在好、中、差三种市场状态下的收益值分别为80、60、10;产品C在好、中、差三种市场状态下的收益值分别为65、35、25,按后悔值法则决策,应选择()方案。
A. 产品A B. 产品B C. 产品C D. 不确定 [判断题]同一天在几处同类型高压配电站、开闭所、箱式变电站、柱上变压器等配电设备上同时进行的同类型停电工作。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]长期卧床病人易导致压疮发生,压疮发生的原因应除外()。
A. 大量出汗 B. 肌肉软弱萎缩 C. 营养不良 D. 床上有碎屑 E. 皮肤弹性差 我来回答: 提交