Liu Xiang sets the World 110m Hurdles record in Lausanne
Lausanne, Switzerland — China’s Olympic champion Liu Xiang (21) the men’s 110m Hurdles World record with (22) 12.88 seconds (wind +1.1 m/s) at tonight’s Athletissima, a Super Grand Prix meeting, which is part of the IAAF World Athletics Tour.
"I (23) thought I could break the World record. I’m feeling very tired, very happy and very excited," said Liu Xiang. "Switzerland is my (24) place. I love Switzerland and Lausanne and the fans here," the 22-year-old added. "I had (25) broken the World junior record in 2002 in Lausanne (13.12). Liu Xiang celebrates (26) sitting on his World record clock in Lausanne
"Tonight I started well running. But it was (27) the fifth hurdle when I speeded up," confirmed the 2005 World Championship silver medallist who will (28) his 23rd birthday on Thurs
A. dreamed
B. have
C. was
D. never
某拍卖公司拍卖一批汽车,其中包括本公司职员赵某的一辆桑塔纳轿车。竞买者张某在竞买中购得一辆丰田轿车。事后张某拒绝签订成交确认书。 请综合分析,回答本案涉及的下列法律问题。 |
{{B}}Text{{/B}} Comparisons were drawn between the development of television in the 20th century and the diffusion of printing in the 15th and 16th centuries. Yet much had happened {{U}} 26 {{/U}} . As was discussed before, it was not {{U}} (27) {{/U}} the 19th century that the newspaper became the dominant pre-electronic {{U}} (28) {{/U}} , following in the wake of the pamphlet and the book and in the {{U}} (29) {{/U}} of the periodical. It was during the same time that the communications revolution {{U}} (30) {{/U}} up, beginning with transport, the railway, and leading {{U}} (31) {{/U}} through the telegraph, the telephone, radio, and motion pictures {{U}} (32) {{/U}} the 20th-century world of the motor car and the air plane. Not everyone sees that process in {{U}} (33) {{/U}} . It is important t A. gathered B. speeded C. worked D. picked [判断题]其它站线、专用线和道岔的钢轨探伤每一年不少于一次。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]基因自由组合定律的实质是()
A. 子二代性状分离比为9:3:3:1 B. 子二代出现与亲本性状不同的新类型 C. 测交后代的分离比为1:1:1:1 D. 在进行减数分裂形成配子时,同源染色体上的等位基因分离的同时,非同源染色体上的非等位基因自由组合 [判断题] 继续盘问工作只能由公安机关的人民警察执行
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]学校的产生一般需要具备下列哪些条件( )
A.社会生产水平的提高 B.文字的产生和知识的记载达到一定程度 C.脑力劳动和体力劳动的分离 D.教育经验的积累 [多项选择]海关工作人员在调查处理违法案件时,遇到有下列( )情形之一的,应当回避。
A. 与本案当事人有其他关系,可能影响案件公正处理的 B. 本人的邻居是当事人中学时的同班同学 C. 是本案的当事人或者是当事人的近亲属 D. 本人担任本案的见证人 [单项选择]限制子宫向侧方移动的主要结构是()
A. 盆膈 B. 子宫阔韧带 C. 子宫圆韧带 D. 骶子宫韧带 [单选题]肾盂肾炎最常见的感染途径是( )
A.外伤 B.邻近器官炎症的蔓延 C.上行感染 D.血行感染 E.淋巴管蔓延 [判断题]消防手持电台可以用于水下通信。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]关于授信方案的审批流程,以下表述正确的是()。
A. 授信方案审批的基本流程为:调查、审查、审议、审批、(报备) B. 对于存量续授信、余额授信审批流程在以上规定的基础上可适度简化 C. 对于行业重点客户、总行级核心客户中同业竞争激烈、办理时效要求高的存量续授信和余额授信业务,同时符合授信方案审批相关条件的,可简化审批流程。连续以此种方式审批授信的次数不超过1次 D. 对于行业重点客户、总行和一级分行级核心客户,在客户明确提出业务需求之前,可通过公开市场渠道收集客户相关信息,主动为客户预先核定授信额度;符合上述条件的集团客户,可由客户管理行依据合并报表以及客户在XX银行存量信用等信息为客户核定授信额度,不需下级行上报授信需求 [多选题]对危大工程的旁站需要检查的内容有( )
A. 旁站记录 B. 旁站过程影像资料 C.大型设备六步走 D.“一承诺一问询” 我来回答: 提交