The North American frontier changed
some of the characteristics of the pioneers of the 1750’ s and intensified
others. They were, as a group, semiliterate, proud, and stubborn, as dogged in
their insistence on their own way of life as pine roots cracking granite (
花岗岩) to grow. Perhaps their greatest resource was their capacity to endure. They
outlasted recurrent ( 周期性发生的) plagues of smallpox (天花) and malaria (痢疾) and a
steady progression of natural accidents. They were incredibly prolific.
Squire Boone’ s family of eight children was small by frontier standards. James
Roberston, an eventful neighbor of Boone’ s and the frontier of Nashville, had
eleven children. Twice-married, John Sevier, the first governor of
Tennessee, fathered eighteen; his long time enemy, John Tipton, also twice
married, produced seventeen. The enti A. Metaphor. B. Simile. C. Personification. D. Imagination. [判断题]( )铸铁的手工电渣焊能获得加工性能好,与母材性能、颜色一致的焊缝。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]有人说:“转基因生物所转移的只是一两种自然界中已经存在的外源基因,它并不会改变生物原有的分类地位,充其量只能说是具有某种新特征的同一物种”。上述说法中是否是“同一物种”,关键应该看转基因生物与原来的生物是否具有()。
A. 生殖能力 B. 地理隔离 C. 生殖隔离 D. 能否杂交 [单选题]绝缘工具的检查性试验条件是:将绝缘工具分成若干段进行工频耐压试验,(),以无击穿、闪络及过热为合格。
A.每200mm耐压75kV,时间为1min B.每200mm耐压60kV,时间为2min C.每300mm耐压60kV,时间为2min D.每300mm耐压75kV,时间为1min [单选题]进行选举时,有选举权的到会人数不少于应到会人数的( ),会议有效。
A.三分之二 B.五分之四 C.四分之三 D.二分之一 [单项选择] Natural Medicines
Since earliest days, humans have used some kinds of medicines. We know this because humans have survived. Ancient treatments for injury and disease were successful enough to keep humans from dying out completely.
They were successful long before the time of modern medicine. Before the time of doctors with white coats and shiny (发亮的) instruments. Before the time of big hospitals with strange and wonderful equipment.
Many parts of the world still do not have university-educated doctors. Nor do they have expensive hospitals. Yet injuries are treated. And diseases are often cured. How By ancient methods. By medicines that might seem mysterious, even magical (有魔力的). Traditional medicines are neither mysterious nor magical, however.
Through the centuries, tribal (部落的) medicine men experimented with plants. They found many useful chemicals in the plants. And scientists believe many of these traditional medicines may provide
A. may never be exhausted B. is surprisingly big C. may be dropping rapidly D. is as rich as ever [判断题]到达解体列车是指在区段站进行解体的列车。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]男性,30岁,从高处跌下,左腰部着地,伤后腰痛并有肉眼全程血尿,有小血块,BP110/70mmHg,P100次/分;左腰部青紫、压痛,腹部无压痛及反跳痛,可初步诊断为()
A. 输尿管损伤 B. 膀胱损伤 C. 脾损伤并肾损伤 D. 肾损伤 E. 肾挫伤 [单选题]晚按压【开车】键时LKJ操作:在最近信号机位置对齐处使用【车位】键,再按压( )键消除多余的距离。
A.【向前】 B.【向后】 C.【向上】 我来回答: 提交