English names and Chinese names are quite different in some{{U}} (41) {{/U}}ways. Most English people have{{U}} (42) {{/U}}names. One is their family name, the others are given names. Their family name is{{U}} (43) {{/U}}the given names. They use Mr. or Miss{{U}} (44) {{/U}}the last name. For{{U}} (45) {{/U}}, we can{{U}} (46) {{/U}}a man named James Allan Green Mr. Green,{{U}} (47) {{/U}}we can’t call him Mr. James or Mr. Allan. People usually use Jim{{U}} (48) {{/U}}James. Jim is short for James because it’s{{U}} (49) {{/U}}to remember. But Chinese names are different. A girl named Han Mei{{U}} (50) {{/U}}her family name Han first. She can also be called Ah Mei for short in Chinese. |
The development of rapid transit rail
lines in cities should parallel local economic development and blind
construction of such lines should be avoided, a State Council conference said
yesterday. The meeting, chaired by Premier Wen Jiabao, said the building of rapid-transit rail lines in cities should be carried out according to strict guidelines and management systems of such lines should be improved. It stressed that the amount of domestically made equipment used in such infrastructure projects needs to be increased. The meeting also deliberated on the draft amendments for laws governing the People’s Bank of China and commercial banks. Also discussed were the draft law on the supervision and management of banking sector and draft regulations on the management of central food reserves. It was agreed at the meeting that the laws g A. is already quite developed B. does not exist at all C. is not good enough D. needs to include the strict guidelines [单选题]运用维修班组承担动车组一级、( )和车辆整备,负责动车组检查、维护、试验、故障处理。
A.二级检修 B.三级检修 C.四级检修 D.五级检修 [多选题]是支原体特点的是
A.不耐寒 B.对结晶紫有抵抗力 C.不耐干燥 D.不耐热 E.对碱和醋酸铊有抵抗力 [单选题]钻芯法检测结构混凝土强度时,芯样试件内不宜含有钢筋。当不能满足时每个标准芯样试件内最多只允许有2根直径不大于( )mm的钢筋。
A.6 B.8 C. 10 D. 12 [多项选择]IPSec VPN提供了两种不同的模式来传输加密数据:分别是:()。
A. 传输模式 B. SSL加密模式 C. 密钥模式 D. 隧道模式 [单选题]从事烟草制品批发业务,需获得( )关于企业设立、分立、合并的批准文件。
A.国家烟草专卖局 B.企业所在地省级烟草专卖局 C.企业所在地市级烟草专卖局 D.企业所在地县级烟草专卖局 [判断题]CRH380B型动车组采用全波纹气密式风挡。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]普通水泥拌制的混凝土采用蒸汽加热法养护恒温阶段,温度不得超过( )。
A.40℃ B.45℃ C.65℃ D.80℃ 我来回答: 提交