Passage 4 One reaction to all the concern about tropical deforestation is a blank stare that asks the question, "Since I don’t live in the tropics, what does it have to do with me" The answer is that your way of life, wherever you live in the world, is tied to the tropics in many ways. If you live in a house, wash your hair, eat fruit and vegetables, drink soda, or drive a car, you can be certain that you are affected by the loss of tropical’ forests. Biologically, we are losing the richest regions on earth when, each minute, a piece of tropical forest the size of ten city blocks vanishes. As many as five million species of plants, animals and insects, 40 to 50 percent of all living things, live there, and are being irrevocably lost faster than they can be found and described. Their loss is incalculable. Take medicine, for example. Less than one perce A. average daily temperatures worldwide could increase considerably B. some sea level islands could be threatened by flooding C. all coastal regions throughout the world could be at serious risk D. all of the above [单项选择]原发性肝癌中的微小肝癌是指()
A. 直径<5cm B. 直径<1cm C. 直径≤5cm D. 直径≤1cm E. 直径≤2cm [多选题]电动转辙机动作电流的变化与( )有关。
A.尖轨根部过紧,尖轨反弹 B.尖轨与基本轨有飞边 C.尖轨底部与滑床板不密贴 D.电动转辙机与道岔各部机件卡阻 [单项选择]The number killed in the Bradford City football ground disaster has risen to 52; more than 70 police and spectators have also been detained in hospital. The match was being recorded by Yorkshire TV when the fire began. When it first broke out, a few tongues of flame could be seen under the wooden seats in the G block of the stand. Some of the spectators walked away casually from the smoke. Then suddenly the fire spread with terrifying speed, and within minutes the whole stand was in flames. Most of the spectators rushed forwards onto the pits to avoid the blaze. In the panic, several spectators were crushed, and police and other fans ran back to the stands to help them. The rescuers’ clothes and hair could be seen bursting into flames in the intense heat.
Most of the dead were found piled up at the back of the stand, where they had run to escape from the fire. However, the gates at the back of the stand had been locked before the start of the match. This had been done to prevent A. Tragedy in Human History. B. Locked Gates and Timber Stand Create Death Trap. C. Fire in the Bradford Theatre. D. Football Causes Great Disaster. [单项选择]下列()项目是具有自然垄断性、建设周期长、投资规模大、投资回收期长、收益低的基础设施建设项目。
A. 能源 B. 医疗卫生 C. 经营性 D. 筹建 [填空题]各种信息设备未使用的数据接口必须()管理,严禁未经批准使用外部接口和新增终端设备
A.在多种突水预兆同时出现时,才能说明有可能发生突水 B.有一种突水预兆发生时,即可判定即将发生突水 C.老空水突水前一般没有预兆发生 D.有突水预兆出现,有可能会发生突水,应采取应急避险措施 [单选题]制动梁安全链松余量为( )(转K2型除外)
A.20~30 mm B.20~50 mm C.30~40 mm D.30~50 mm [单项选择]男婴,4~6个月,以下哪项最宜添加哪种辅食()
A. 鲜果汁 B. 青菜汁 C. 米汤 D. 代乳粉 E. 蛋黄 我来回答: 提交