When we do not understand each other’s
language, we can talk with the help of signs. A Frenchman was once travelling in England. He could not speak English at all. One day he went into a restaurant and sat down at a table. When the waiter came, he opened his mouth, put his fingers in it and took them out again. He wanted to say. "Bring me something to eat. " The waiter soon brought him a cup of tea. The man moved his head from side to side. The waiter understood him and took the tea away. In a moment he came with a cup of coffee. But the man again refused it. He shook his head whenever the waiter brought him something to drink, for drinks are not good. When the man was going away, another man came in. This man saw the waiter, and he put his hand on his stomach(胃). That was enou A. a waiter B. a teacher C. an Englishman D. the gesture [单项选择]患者,女性,17岁,跌倒时手掌撑地,现肘部关节肿胀,对确定肘关节后脱位诊断较有价值的表现是()
A. 手臂功能障碍 B. 肘部剧烈疼痛 C. 肘后三点关系失常 D. 可摸到尺骨鹰嘴 E. 受伤时手掌撑地 [多选题]有些粒子在“宇宙线”的形式下来自天空,这些粒子的名称有( )。
A.μ子 B.π子 C.τ子 D.ρ子 [多项选择]血浆蛋白异常引起的临床表现包括()
A. 雷诺现象 B. 淀粉样变性 C. 高黏滞综合征 D. 出血倾向 E. 感染 [单选题]有昨轨道路肩宽度:线路设计速度为200km/h区段的路肩宽度不应小于()。
A.0.6m B.0.8m C.1.0m D.1.2m [单项选择]临时应急控制时,系统自动设置终止日期为应急控制日期+()天,终止日期日终时系统批量自动解除。
A. 3 B. 10 C. 15 D. 30 [单项选择]Directions: In this section, you will heat" 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.
A. 11-week course for control duty. B. 11-week course for patrol duty. C. 9-week course for control duty. D. 9-week course for patrol duty. [单选题]工作票应用钢笔、圆珠笔填写,字迹清晰,不得涂改,并于作业前()交给工作执行人或工作领导人。
A.一天 B.半天 C.两天 D.三天 [简答题]简述寻找潜在客户的步骤。
A. 有禁止结婚的亲属关系的 B. 未到法定婚龄的 C. 一方或双方当事人患有医学上认为不应该结婚的疾病的 D. 因胁迫而结婚的 [单选题]《危险化学品安全管理条例》规定,危险化学品的储存方式、方法以及储存数量应当符合( )或者国家有关规定。
A.国家标准 B.企业规章制度 C.安全要求 D.行业 [单项选择]为防止发生麻醉药品成瘾,临床连续使用不得超过()。
A. 10天 B. 7天 C. 5天 D. 3天 [单项选择]假设某证券市场最近几年的市场综合指数分别是2000、4500、1800和3500,按几何平均法所确定的权益市场平均收益率为( )。
A. 30.61% B. 20.51% C. 53.15% D. 20.21% [判断题]焊工必须经考试合格,尤其是焊接锅炉及受压容器的焊工,必须持有特殊考试合格证。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]儿童运动发育中爬的年龄是()
A. 6个月 B. 4个月 C. 7个月 D. 9个月 E. 8个月 [单项选择]Among the following people, who will exhibit the paintings that were not done by himself/themselves
A. Zhang Yongxu. B. Young artists. C. Fu Baoshi. D. Peter Ludwig and his wif [单项选择]()表示各个阶段开始时所处的自然状况或客观条件。
A. 状态 B. 决策 C. 状态转移 D. 指标函数 [单选题]D3塔的规格型号是( )。
A.INTALOX鞍环散装填料塔φ800×19630 B.INTALOX鞍环散装填料塔φ1000×19630 C.网波填料塔φ3800×63800 D.网波填料塔φ4800×63800 [单项选择]疑为白喉患者的最佳取材部位是()。
A. 淋巴液 B. 血液 C. 假膜深处 D. 假膜边缘 E. 假膜表明 [简答题]本案甄某从事了哪些违法活动
A. 应使用正式编制员工 B. 出纳人员至少每4年轮换一次 C. 建立定期轮换、交流和强制休假制度,每年强制休假一次(休假时间按公司规定执行,一般不少于五个工作日),或与其他单位相同岗位人员短期交流。 D. 资金岗位轮换、交流或休假时,要严格按规定程序办理交接手续,认真核对会计资料,明确交接责任,并对离岗、休假人员进行业务期内所经办业务的稽核检查。 [单项选择]The cars {{U}}traveled{{/U}} 200 miles a day.
A. came B. covered C. gone D. walked [判断题] 线路、变压器损耗电量不参加《功率因数调整电费办法》。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]
Well, sir, opening a bank account is not very difficult. The trouble is finding the cash to put in it. We at Barclays know there’s a students’ problem—shortage of cash. The monthly cheque from home never seems big enough. We can’t make it any bigger but we can make it go a little further. Any student who opens a cheque account with Barclays gets our most important services free. We don’t charge you for running your account provided you keep out of the red. [单项选择]下列显微镜的目镜和物镜组合中哪种组合成像质量最佳()
A. 目镜1×物镜100× B. 目镜4×物镜20× C. 目镜25×物镜4× D. 目镜2×物镜40× E. 目镜10×物镜10× [单选题]以下( )不是金华名人。
A.A.骆宾王 B.B.朱丹溪 C.C.施光南 D.D.张可久 [判断题]对焊法兰比平焊法兰强度高、密封性能好。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]查控嫌疑车辆时,嫌疑车辆被截停后,警察应命令车内人员全部下车接受检查。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]分析轨道电路相关的故障时,除了查看JRU数据外,还需要查看( ).
[多选题]资产减值测试的评估对象应当与( )账面价值的成分保持一致。
A.资产 B.资产组 C.企业整体 D.资产组组合 E.资产和负债 [判断题]在锂电池化成工序和仓储、使用场所发生火灾的,可按照C类火灾扑救方法,使用大量水进行冷却降温,严防爆炸事故发生
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交