Thank you for your enquiry of August 16 _____1_____ our equipment, _____2_____ you saw at the International Farm Machinery Fair in Bonn. In answer to the _____3_____ questions in your letter, first let me say we are willing to consider substantial _____4_____ on orders over RMB¥1,000,000. With regard to the terms of _____5_____, we would suggest sight L/C for the initial stage. We can fulfill orders within three months, _____6_____ there are special specifications, which may _____7_____ a little longer. We _____8____ our current catalog and pricelist quoting c.i.f. Bangkok prices, and we think you will find the earth-moving equipment on pp. 101-115 _____9_____ particular interest for the work you have in mind. If you _____10_____ any further information, please contact us and we will be pleased to supply it.
Pandas{{/B}} With the Switzerland-based World Wildlife Fund (WWF), China is making a concerted and dedicated effort to save the endangered pandas. The results, officials here in Chengdu indicate, are mixed but encouraging. A clear disappointment is the failure to breed pandas in captivity, necessary if their decreasing numbers are to be replaced. Another failure has been the incapability to find a natural, readily available food to replace the arrow bamboo. Despite these failures, success has come on two fronts. One achievement has been the physical rescue effort. Some pandas have been kept alive by salting (空投) the mountains with tons of cooked meat, which pandas will eat as a substitute for bamboo, and by the planting A. Switzerland is the country that contributes in the panda relief program B. the survival of pandas is an international concern C. it is too late to rescue the endangered pandas D. the lovely pandas will soon die out [不定项选择题]高速公路运营隧道二次衬砌进行地质雷达无损专项检测。
A.100M B.400M C.600M D.1500M [简答题]我国动物疫病防治的方针是什么?对强制免疫动物采取哪些管理办法?
[单选题]在生产安全事故中受到伤害的从业人员,除依法享有工伤社会保险外,还依法有权( )。
A. 向本单位提出赔偿要求 B.获得优质医疗服务 C.要求子女顶替工作 D.申请提前退休 [判断题]多功能水枪的射水流量可从3-10L/s 随意调节控制,直流射程可达36-40m。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]小区游园绿地的服务半径()。
[判断题]倒车时必须安排人员在车辆两侧后方进行指挥警戒。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]骨盆外测量的正常值,正确的是( )
A.髂棘间径20-22㎝ B.髂嵴间径25-28㎝ C.骶耻外径20-22㎝ D.坐骨结节间径9-11㎝ E.耻骨弓角度70° [多选题]旅客运输组织工作要从( )出发,全面安排,按照( )分工、( )优先、( )的原则,合理、经济的使用运输能力,均衡地组织运输。
A.方便旅客 B.安全 C.长短途列车 D.换乘 E.保证重点 我来回答: 提交