When we think of Hollywood--a term I
use loosely to describe American movie production in general, not simply films
made in Los Angeles--we think of films aimed at amusing audiences and making
money for producers. During the early years of the new century, as workers won their demands for higher wages and a shorter working week, leisure assumed an increasingly important role in everyday life. Amusement parks, professional baseball games, nickelodeons, and dance halls attracted a wide array of men and women anxious to spend their hard earned dollars in the pursuit of fun and relaxation. Yet of all these new cultural endeavors, films were the most important and widely attended source of amusement. For a mere five or ten cents, even the poorest worker could afford to take himself and his family to the local nickelodeon or storefron A. studios and companies B. mass entertainment C. films D. the pursuit of fan and relaxation [单选题]可乐定的降压机制是()
A.阻断外周a-受体 B.阻断中枢咪唑啉受体 C.耗竭神经末梢去甲肾上腺素 D.阻断β1受体 E.激动中枢α2受体 [简答题]请写一份简历,内容包括你的住址、电话号码、邮编、学位、工作经历、所受教育情况、专业、推荐人。
注意:1.字迹清楚。 2.字数在100~200之间。 [单项选择]畸形中央尖
A. 扪诊 B. 咬诊 C. X线检查 D. 松动度检查 E. 局部麻醉检查 [单项选择]2000年12月科技部发布的《科技查新规范》对“查新”定义作了原则性的规定:“查新是科技查新的简称,是指查新机构根据查新委托人提供的需要查证其()的科学技术内容,按照本规范操作,并做出结论。”
A. 新颖性 B. 先进性 C. 实用性 D. 适用性 [单项选择]圆舞曲是起源于()的一种民间三拍子舞蹈。
A. 英国南部 B. 德国东部 C. 奥地利北部 D. 意大利西部 [单项选择]交流电力牵引区段,在信号电缆的同一芯线上,任何两点间的感应电动势:在接触网供电状态下,不大于()。
A. 60V B. 80V C. 90V D. 100V [单选题]信贷业务核保核押环节违规行为包括:未按规定进行实地核保核押,或核保核押过程未尽职导致担保不实或影响____
A.贷款投放 B.担保效力 C.合同签订 D.客户用款 我来回答: 提交