Security experts were not surprised by
the FBI’s warning last week that more than 1 million credit card numbers have
been stolen from e-commerce websites in the last 12 months by crackers who took
advantage of a hole that could have been patched with software that was made
available three years ago. It is believed that most of the dirty work was being
done by organized hacking groups in Russia and the Ukraine. Many of their peers in the Western world say Eastern Europe’s computer crackers and hackers axe the most skillful in the world--far superior to the so-called "script kiddies" who have gained a ’fair amount of notoriety(臭名昭著). "We call Russia the Hackzone because there are so many of us here, and we are so good at what we do," said a self-described cracker living in Moscow. He claims he is often hired to "have f A. there are more crackers in Russia B. there are crackers everywhere in Russia C. Russia’s crackers get more support in their country D. people in Russia all approve of this behavior [判断题] “视频专网”是指采利用在公共互联网网络基础上的虚拟专用网(VPN)方式建设的,专门用于支撑视频图像服务和汇接各层级的视频图像信息系统。
对 错 A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]免收运费的货物、站界内搬运的货物免收铁路建设基金。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]在警戒区的出入口处,应设置专职的警戒员,做好进入危险区域的人员、器材的安全检查,强调安全注意事项并做好记录,确保进入火灾现场的人员安全。( )1
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]对于陶瓷环螺柱焊,提升高度过小是电弧不稳定的主要原因
A. 穿金属蛇皮管再沿铺砂电缆沟 B. 穿水煤气管 C. 穿钢管 [单项选择]( )是指以保险合同约定的医疗行为的发生为给付保险金条件,为被保险人接受诊疗期间的医疗费用支出提供保障的保险。
A. 护理保险 B. 疾病保险 C. 失能收入损失保险 D. 医疗保险 我来回答: 提交