Everything seemed to have become a
weapon of war. Our enemies had (1) the most familiar
objects (2) us, turned shaving kits into holsters and
airplanes (3) missiles and soccer coaches and newlyweds into
involuntary suicide bombers. So it was (4) the President and
his generals to plot the response. That is because we are (5) one enemy but two: one unseen, the other inside. Terror on this scale (6) to wreck the way we live our lives-make us flinch when a siren sounds, (7) when a door slams and think twice before deciding (8) we really have to take a plane. If we falter, they win, (9) they never plant another bomb. So after the early helplessness, what can I do I’ve already given blood-people started to realize that (10) they could do was exactly, as precisely as possible, A. did not happen B. hadn’t happened C. haven’t happened D. would not happened [单项选择]柴油机所有的动力性与经济性参数都可扫为下列两类指标()
A. 工作指标与指示指标 B. 指示指标与有效指标 C. 有效指标也运转指标 D. 运转指标与耐久指标 [判断题]对提供收入证明的工薪类客户不再单独调查客户是否具有固定住所,客户住所情况以《个人信贷业务申请表》中客户填写信息为准。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]发现接触网故障,判明仍能降弓运行时,发现人员应在接触网故障点前( )m处向司机显示降弓手信号或按规定设置降、升弓标志(隧道内可设置在隧道口),并设法通知车站值班员(列车调度员)和供电调度员。
A.50 B.100 C.200 [单选题]试验装置的电源开关,应使用(),并在刀刃或刀座上加绝缘罩,以防误合。
A.单极刀闸 B.双极刀闸 C.有过载保护的开关 D.电动开关 [填空题] 选闸位:制动人员对分工制动的车组,应根据“六选、六不选”的原则(选 ( )不选 ( )、选 ( )不选 ( )、选 ( )不选 ( )、选 ( )不选 ( )、选 ( )不选 ( )、选 ( )不选 ( ))选好闸位。
[单项选择]Questions 11~14 are based on the following conversation.What does the woman think about the man’s behavior
A. It’s very unusual. B. It’s too impatient. C. It’s too timid. D. It’s very practical. [单项选择]Questions 26 to 28 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions.
Now listen to the news. Japan’s trading partners’ attitude towards its growing trade surplus can be described as ______. A. angry B. indifferent C. overjoyed D. worried [判断题]气象检测器的数据传输性能用数据传输测试仪实测,要求为24h观察时间内失步现象不大于1次或BER≤10-8。()
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]― 年版第五套人民币 100 元纸币增强了红外配对图案的显示效果,调整了票面背面右侧凹印图案的红外特征。使用红外光照射票面,即可通过人眼直接观察到票面上的红外图像。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]开展稽核业务时,各参与方应按职责分工开展( ),包括发行、收费行为和运营管理等方面的稽核。
A.外部稽核 B.内部稽核 C.联合稽核 D.路段稽核 [简答题] _____________是指曲线的头或尾偏离应有的平面位置,向曲线外侧凸出,越出直线方向 ,形成小反向曲线。测量时,其实际正矢与计划正矢之差连续三点一般超过3mm及以上。
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