Nobody expected to find them there, outside the city walls. The broken bones of 30 or 40 bodies lay with one on top of the other. It looked bad. There was no sign of battle. Everyone wondered why all these people had died at the same moment. Men came day after day to dig and remove the earth. They worked with great care, like detectives (侦探). Each .day something new was discovered. Every bone was studied. Soft brushes were used so that nothing was damaged. It all took a very long time, and there were many puzzles.
Deep in the ground they found an important secret. Below the bodies there was a building made of bricks (砖). Inside it lay the body of a woman. There were many things of value in the building with her—gold for her head, neck and arms, and clothes covered with gold. It was clear that the woman had been a queen. This explained why the other bodies were there. The queen’s servants(仆人) had killed themselves immediately after she had died. They wanted to
A. find dead bodies
B. make stories
C. study the ancient history
D. learn about the past from books
One day a farmer bought four donkeys at
the market place in the village. He got {{U}} (56) {{/U}} the back of one
of {{U}} (57) {{/U}} and began to ride home. {{U}} (58) {{/U}} he was riding along, he noticed that {{U}} (59) {{/U}} were only three donkeys walking {{U}} (60) {{/U}}him. He expected to see four. "I {{U}} (61) {{/U}} what happened, "he said to himself, "I bought four and paid {{U}} (62) {{/U}} four donkeys, but now it appears that I have only {{U}} (63) {{/U}} ".He was forgetting, of course, to {{U}} (64) {{/U}} the donkey he was riding. When he got home, his wife met him in front of their house. "I see you bought {{U}} (65) {{/U}} fine donkeys," she said," {{U}} (66) {{/U}} you buy them for a good price " "Yes, I did," he said. "but {{U}} (67) {{/U}} puzzles (使惊奇) me. I bought four donkeys at A. Have B. Had C. Do D. Did [判断题]更换绝缘子串或移动导线的作业,当采用单吊(拉)线装置时,应采取防止导线脱 落时的后备保护措施。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]心血管疾病的患者膳食预防原则包括,除了
A. 限制热量,控制体重,增加多不饱和脂肪酸的摄入 B. 保证维生素C和维生素E的供给 C. 增加豆类蛋白质,控制胆固醇摄入,每天给足够的纤维和果胶 D. 限制食盐摄入,最好每天低于6g E. 低盐、高维生素、高热量 [判断题]在电力牵引区段,进站信号机柱采用8.5m的水泥机柱。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]当列车调度电话不通时,进入封锁区间的凭证是接到救援请求的车站值班员的命令。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]财税库银业务,发生扣税业务时,会计分录为( )。
A.借:客户账 贷:20110101待解付结算款 B.借:20070106待报解预算收入 贷:客户账 C.借:客户账 贷:2241其他应付款 D.借:客户账 贷:20070106待报解预算收入 [单选题]电气测绘时,应( )以上协同操作,防止发生事故。
A.两人 B.三人 C.四人 D.五人 [单选题]【A1型题】痉病的主要病变部位在
A. 皮 B. 脉 C. 筋 D. 肉 [单选题]低压配电工作,不需要将高压线路、设备停电或做安全措施者,填用()的工作。
A.配电线路第一种工作票 B.配电低压工作票 C.配电第一种工作票 D.配电第二种工作票 [简答题]内分泌因素是如何控制精子的发生的?
A. 隐藏 B. 删除 C. 冻结 D. 筛选 [单项选择]尿中主要以红细胞增多为主的疾病是()
A. 膀胱炎 B. 肾盂肾炎 C. 尿道炎 D. 急性肾炎 [判断题] 判断 氨的伤害途径为消化道食入。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]塞尺用来检测部件间隙的大小。(×)
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]女性,52岁,有胆管结石病史,近2天来右上腹痛,体温37.8℃,2小时前突然畏寒、寒战,体温达40℃,精神紧张兴奋、口渴、面色苍白、脉搏98次/分、有力,血压110/96mmHg尿量每小时26ml
下列哪一项丕垦其微循环变化的特征 A. 微动脉,微静脉收缩 B. 动静脉短路开放 C. 直捷通道开放 D. 组织灌流减少 E. 静脉回心血量减少 [多项选择]位于锁骨下缘的腧穴是
A. 中府 B. 云门 C. 气户 D. 气穴 E. 俞府 [单选题]在无鳞鱼黏液去除的方法中,“熟烫法”的菜品是( )。
A. 蒜爆鳝花 B. 爆炒鳗筒 C. 软兜鳝鱼 D. 生炒鳗片 [单选题]普通橡胶垫片适合于( ).
A.温度低于293K B.温度低于298K C.温度低于313K D.温度低于333K 我来回答: 提交