Forty years ago no one was concerned
about the health of the ocean, in spite of the fact that many fisheries were
being over-harvested, toxic wastes were being dumped in the sea, and developers
were beginning to seriously disrupt coastlines. In those days, the magnitude of
the problems was small, even though it was obvious that if the trends Continued
people would face severe economic and personal hardship in the future. People
just didn’t understand, nor did they care. Unfortunately many of our concerns
were realized, but the situation could have been much worse, had we, and others,
not taken action to inform people about the ocean and the need to protect
it. During our campaign to share the wonders of the sea and alert the public about the need to protect it, we have used every medium available--personal appearances, t A. the ocean was immune to any pollution then B. they didn’t know what would come of if the ocean was deadly disrupted C. there was no computer then D. there wasn’t any problem with the ocean at that time [多项选择]建设工程监理的行为主体是( )。
A. 建设单位 B. 工程监理企业 C. 建设主管部门 D. 质量监督机构 [单项选择]以下哪种头痛用药可以改善脑血管疾病后遗症()
A. 天麻头风灵胶囊 B. 牛黄上清丸 C. 复方羊角胶囊 D. 太极通天液 [单选题]下列关于商业银行的资本作用的表述,错误的是( )。
A.满足银行正常经营对短期资金的需要 B.吸收损失 C.限制银行业务过度扩张和承担风险 D.维持市场信心 [单选题]格林-巴利综合征患者,出现下列哪种情况提示病情危重:
A.四肢由轻瘫转为全瘫 B.腰腿出现牵拉性疼痛 C.腱反射完全消失 D.呼吸费力 E.脉博快速 [填空题]The trading companies used only advertisements to persuade people in all parts of the world to go to America.
A. 低度危险性物品 B. 中度危险性物品 C. 高度危险性物品 D. 极高度危险性物品 E. 无危险性物品 [多选题]本行应采取必要的网络安全措施来防止银行支付机构越界访问和外部入侵,包括但不限于以下哪些措施? 厦国银发〔2018〕200号:关于颁发《厦门国际银行股份有限公司境内机构非银行支付机构网络支付业务管理办法及操作规程》的通知
A.部署防火墙 B.入侵检测 C.入侵防御 D.病毒扫描 [单选题]当未装备列车运行监控装置的动车组列车在CTCS-0/1级区段按机车信号模式运行时,最高运行速度不超过( )。
A.A、60 km/h B.B、40 km/h C.C、80 km/h D.D、20 km/h [单选题]描述一组偏态分布资料的平均水平,以下列哪个指标较好
A.算术均数 B.几何均数 C.百分位数 D.四分位数间距 E.中位数 [多项选择]基于软交换的NGN网络体系结构,从纵向看,NGN包括()和媒体接入几个开放的层面。
A. 业务应用层 B. 分组层 C. 控制层 D. 传输层 [多选题]多选题:除现金交接、钱箱清点之外,其它时间票务室内所有现金只能保管在( )。
A.保险柜 B.补币箱 C.待清点钱箱 D.已锁闭尾箱 [单选题]核相:是指用仪表或其他手段核对两电源或环路相位、( )是否相同。
A.颜色 B.相位 C.排列 D.相序 [多选题]下列哪项是癔症患者的人格特征:( )
A.情感丰富、富于幻想 B.被动、依赖 C.追求完美、优柔寡断 D.容易暗示和自我暗示 E.自我为中心 [单选题]()的电气设备,指全部带有电压、一部分带有电压或一经操作即带有电压的电气设备。
A.试验中 B.运行中 C.运用中 D.调试中 [多选题]下列各项中,应包括在资产负债表中“存货”项目的有()。
A.原材料 B.在途物资 C.周转材料 D.材料成本差异 [多项选择]下列选项中,属于制定标准的起草阶段的是( )。
A. 成立标准起草工作组 B. 拟定工作计划 C. 开展调查研究 D. 标准化技术委员会审查 E. 完成标准征求意见稿 [单选题]依据《中华人民共和国节约能源法》,国家对( )实行淘汰制度。
A.高耗能的特种设备 B.落后的耗能过高的用能产品 C.超过能耗限额标准的设备 D.能源消耗过高的生产工艺 [简答题]道岔有那些缺陷之一时,禁止使用?
[单项选择]MyPoints induces online customers to make purchases by ______.
A. reading its emails and visiting its websites B. enjoying free services it offers C. completing an online profile D. redeeming the acquired points [单项选择]Sports are enjoyed by everyone. The most interesting sports are team sports. They are often played outside with a ball and watched by thousands of people. Most people are interested in watching the teams they like. They love to see them win. But even if they lose, they will still be liked.
Some interesting sports, like football and basketball, are practiced and played in all kinds of weather. When they are played in the snow or in the rain, players must be more careful because mistakes are easily made. Some games are won or lost just because the weather is bad. Tickets to important games are not easily bought. Important games are often watched by many people at home on TV, which saves them the trouble from the cold rain or snow. When important games are played during the week, they are often listened to at work on the radio. People who listen to them often do not finish their work, but they don’t care. They only care about their team. Winning is the only thing they A. Right. B. Wrong. C. Doesn’t say. [单选题]生产经营单位与从业人员订立的劳动合同,应当载明有关保障从业人员劳动安全以及 ()的事项,以及依法为从业人员办理工伤保险的事项。
A.环境保护 B.工资福利 C.薪酬待遇 D.防止职业危害 [单选题]配电检修(施工)作业和用户工程、设备上的工作,工作票签发人或( )认为有必要现场勘察的,应根据工作任务组织现场勘察,并填写现场勘察记录。
A.A-项目经理 B.B-工作负责人 C.C-技术人员 D.D-施工队长 [单选题]钳工划线中样板划线就是根据图样或实物制作好样板后,根据样板进行划线。
A.对 B.错 [单项选择]对犯罪嫌疑人被逮捕的案件因案件复杂,期限届满不能终结的,可以经()批准延长一个月。
A. 本级公安机关负责人 B. 同级人民检察院 C. 上一级人民检察院 D. 同级人民法院 [填空题] 调车作业仅变更( )和辆数时,不受口头传达3钩的限制,但( )必须向有关人员传达清楚,有关人员必须复诵。
A. 小便点滴不通 B. 小便涩痛 C. 小便点滴短少 D. 小便失禁 E. 尿有余沥 [单项选择]髋关节后脱位的描述,错误的是
A. 患髋疼痛,不能活动 B. 患肢短缩 C. 患髋呈屈曲内收外旋畸形 D. 患侧大粗隆上移 E. 臀部可触及脱出的股骨头 [单项选择]当调查者对调查对象比较了解、总体单位数量庞大、总体各单位之间的差异又比较明显、抽取的样本的单位数量又较少的时候,采用下列哪种调查方式最合适()
A. 简单随机抽样 B. 等距随机抽样 C. 任意抽样 D. 判断抽样 [简答题]简述桥隧结构物状态评定按劣化程度分为A、B、C三级分别怎么整治?
A. 气开式 B. 正装式 C. 反装式 D. 气关式 [单项选择]一切从事核安全相关活动单位,是否具有良好的()应成为考核各级领导和“决策者”是否称职的第一要素。
A. 安全文化 B. 质量方针 C. 质量观念 D. 质量管理制度 [单项选择]团内“三会两制一课”制度未落实或有漏项,属于()问题。
A. 红线 B. A1 C. A2 D. B [判断题]按照DL/T 1664相关规定,对于0.5S级电子式电能表,内部设置计费费率为峰、平、谷,屏幕显示位数为2位小数,则该电能表计数器电能示值组合误差应不大于2%。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]《铁路定期票、计次票管理办法》(铁客[2020]200号)规定自产品启用之日起至有效期结束后30天内 (含当天),可凭购买产品时所使用的乘车人有效身份证件,到产品指定发到站换取报销凭证。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]
知识点: [多项选择]会展国际化的趋势是()
A. 会展品牌的国际化 B. 会展资本运作的国际化 C. 会展活动的国际化 D. 会展结构的国际化 我来回答: 提交