Distance education is enrollment and
study with an educational institution that provides lesson materials prepared in
a sequential and logical order for study by students on their own. When each
lesson is completed, the student mails or transmits the assigned work to the
institution for correction, grading, comment, and subject matter guidance by
qualified instructors. Corrected assignments are returned promptly to the
student. This exchange provides a personalized student-teacher relationship. If
a student slows his or her pace or fails to send assignments, the school
provides encouragement. Although some institutions provide employment placement
information and assistance, no reputable school ever guarantees a job to
graduates. Distance education and self-study are different. Self-study materials provide no instructional ser A. enjoy greater freedom in choosing the subjects to study B. do not have to meet any enrolling requirement at all C. take longer to complete their study than college students D. can usually enter college to work toward a degree [单选题]党的最高领导机关是( )。
A.党的全国代表大会和它所产生的中央委员会 B.党的中央政治局及其常务委员会 C.党的全国代表会议 [单选题]中共十一届三中全会认真讨论了全党工作重点转移的问题。全会认为全国揭批林彪、“四人帮”的运动已经取得了伟大胜利,应当及时地、果断地把全党工作的着重点和全国人民的注意力转移到()。
A.加快经济体制改革和扩大对外开放上来 B.社会主义现代化建设上来 C.加强社会主义民主和法制建设上来 D.拨乱反正上来 [多选题]使用绝缘电阻表测量绝缘时,以下做法正确的是( )。
A.应将被测设备从各方面断开,验明无电压,确实证明设备无人工作后,方可进行 B.在测量中禁止他人接近被测设备 C.在测量绝缘前后,应将被测设备对地放电 D.测量线路绝缘时,应取得许可并通知对侧后方可进行 [简答题]液相管线停运后,为何进行倒空或热膨胀?
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]会计账簿按月度或季度整理装订。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]《技》对装载危险、易燃等货物的车辆编入列车的隔离限制规定,△3与装载高出车帮易于窜动货物的车辆应( )。
A.不隔离 B.至少隔离1辆 C.至少隔离2辆 D.至少隔离4辆 [简答题]Irene Moyo, who was employed as a receptionist by Mhondoro Stationers (Pvt) Ltd was suspended and subsequently dismissed on 1 November 2007. The reason for her dismissal was alleged disobedience to a lawful order by the employer. This arose from the fact that on 31 October 2007, she developed a serious headache while at work and wanted to see her doctor immediately. When she sought permission from her immediate supervisor to see the doctor, this was turned down and fearing the worst for her health she decided to visit her personal doctor nonetheless. Upon returning to work the following day she found a letter of dismissal from employment waiting for her.
In relation to employment law, discuss the nature of possible legal remedies available to Irene Moyo. (10 marks)
A.正常健康人 B.运动员 C.贫血 D.甲状腺机能减退 [单项选择]男,65岁。慢性萎缩性胃炎10余年,1月来纳差,消瘦,首先应除外()
A. 功能性消化不良 B. 胃癌 C. 胃溃疡 D. 慢性胰腺炎 E. 反流性食管炎 [单项选择]电动机、电加热器及电动执行机构绝缘电阻值应( )。
A. 小于0.5MΩ B. 小于0.8MΩ C. 大于0.5MΩ D. 大于0.8MΩ [简答题]标准样板与折边样板的区别?
[单项选择]在孔和轴的配合中,轴的公差带在孔的公差带之上,这种配合称之为( )。
A. 过度配合 B. 过渡配合 C. 间隙配合 D. 过盈配合 [单选题]几种线路同杆架设时,必须保证高压线路在低压线路( )。
A.左方 B. 右方 C.上方 我来回答: 提交