Questions 51-55 are based on
the following passage. To Err is Human by Lewis Thomas Everyone must have had at least one personal experience with a computer error by this time. Bank balances are suddenly reported to have jumped from $ 379 into the millions, appeals for charitable contributions are mailed over and over to people with crazy sounding names at your address, department stores send the A. making mistakes is confined only to human beings B. every human being cannot avoid making mistakes C. all human beings are always making mistakes D. every human being is born to make bad mistakes [单项选择]患者烧伤后8天,高热不退,入夜尤甚,神昏谵语,舌红绛光剥无苔,脉细数。其证型是()
A. 火热伤津 B. 气阴两伤 C. 阴损及阳 D. 热入营血 E. 气营两燔 [多选题]下列哪些不属于该患者并发症期( )
A.前驱期 B.昏迷前期 C.昏睡期 D.浅昏迷期 E.深昏迷期 [单项选择]下列设备组中,完全属于外部设备的一组是______。
A. CD-ROM驱动器、CPU、键盘、显示器 B. 激光打印机、键盘、软盘驱动器、鼠标器 C. 内存储器、软盘驱动器、扫描仪、显示器 D. 打印机、CPU、内存储器、硬盘 [单选题]要进一步加强安全生产行政执法,将有关( )纳入安全生产行政执法内容之中。
A.应急预案内容 B.应急演练内容 C.安全生产应急工作的内容 [多项选择]配送方案必须明确的项目包括()
A. 配送区域 B. 每一目标的配送模式 C. 配送时间 D. 时间的准确性 E. 配送费用预算 [单项选择]( )是二战后一个调整各国贸易关系的法律框架,又是一个进行多边贸易谈判、争夺市场的场所,还是一个调解和解决争议的机构。
A. 布雷顿森林体系 B. 国际货币基金组织 C. 世界银行 D. 关贸总协定 [判断题]有限责任合伙的合伙人对合伙企业债务都承担有限责任。
[单项选择]In a list of numbers,the first number is 3,the second is 4,and each subsequent humber is the sum of all the preceding numbers in the list.If the 20th number in the list is x,what is the 25th number in the list
A. 7x B. 16x C. 32x B. 35x E. 161x [多项选择]敞车适合运送的货物是______。
A. 煤炭 B. 矿石 C. 矿建物资 D. 木材 E. 钢材 [判断题]在砂轮机上工作时,必须戴护目镜,在钻床上进行钻孔工作时严禁戴手套。( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交