An abbreviation (缩写词) can be defined as a shortened form of a word or term.
Abbreviations are an attempt to communicate information fast and accurately. But this goal is not always achieved. To many people, particularly to those new to a field, reports and papers sometimes seem to be written in a telegraphic style with abbreviations so interspersed (夹杂) as to make the message almost meaningless. Owing to the lack of a comprehensive dictionary of abbreviations and the diverse definitions of abbreviations among subject areas, it is common practice in most scholarly publications to include in an appendix (目录) at the end of the book a list of the abbreviations used. Another method is to explain the abbreviation to the reader the first time it appears.
Librarians, like everyone else, tend to use abbreviations to save space and time and to eliminate the necessity of repeating words or phrases that are long and complicated. In the library and information science field, a
"Refrigerator production in China
jumped from 1.4 million units in 1985 to 10.6 million in 1998," according to
David Fridley, a researcher in the Department of Energy’s Lawrence Berkeley
National Laboratory, USA. The Global Environmental Facility, through the United :Nations Development Program, has decided to fund $ 9.3 million of the $40 million program to help the government of China transform its market for refrigerators. The refrigerator project began in 1989 when the EPA signed an agreement with the government of China to assist in the elimination of CFCs from refrigerators. Berkeley Lab has been involved in the project since 1995 through the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, developing the market transformation program based on the success of the first phase of the project, which involved designing and testing CFC (c A. about refrigerator production in China B. about the energy-efficient refrigerator project in China aided by the UN C. about the American aid to the Chinese government in environmental protection D. about the tremendous increase of China’s refrigerator production [单选题]气管异物的临床表现应除外:( )
A.咳嗽、憋气、窒息 B.声门下拍击声 C.症状暂时缓解 D.哮喘音 E.双肺呼吸音不一致 [判断题]185) 为保护高阻接地故障,220kV线路零序Ⅳ段或反时限零序启动电流任何情况下均不应大于300A。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]根据《大型飞机公共航空运输承运人运行合格审定规则》,被安排在出口座位的旅客,自己要求不坐在出口座位的,机组人员应当立即将该旅客重新安排在非出口座位位置。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]多大浓度的碘伏溶液适用浸泡消毒()
A. 0.05%~0.1% B. 0.1%~0.2% C. 0.2%~0.3% D. 0.1%~0.5% E. 0.2%~0.5% [单选题]根据《民航安全检查工作手册》第97条,旅客随身携带、托运的行李物品的物品经过民航行李安检设备后,( )应当综合使用设备功能键对图像进行处理,并利用图像判读方法进行图像判读。
A.开箱包检查员 B.人身检查员 C.民航行李安检设备操作员 D.爆炸探测检查员 [简答题]UV平板打印机的应用行业和范围?
[单选题]《统计法》规定,统计人员应当对( )的一致性负责。
A.其搜集、审核、录入的统计资料与统计调查对象报送的统计资料 B.其填写的统计资料与统计调查对象报送的统计资料 C.其报送的统计资料与统计调查对象提供的统计资料 D.其审核的统计资料与统计调查对象提供的统计资料 [单选题]CRH380B型动车组当通过电池主接触器接通电池母线后,列车控制将起作用(CCU、KLIP 站、HMI 和中继器)。当它们起作用之后,( )负载得到接通。
A.440 V B.420 V C.220V D.110 V [单选题]微型计算机中存储容量最大的部件是( )。(易)(基础知识)
A.硬盘 B.软盘 C.主存储器 D.汉卡 [单选题]患者,男性,56岁,肝硬化。自述乏力、食欲缺乏。体检:神志清楚,消瘦,轻度黄疸,腹部移动性浊音(+)。X线钡餐检查提示胃底食管静脉曲张。护士为患者制定的饮食计划不应包括
A.高蛋白饮食 B.适量脂肪饮食 C.高热量饮食 D.低盐饮食,适当限水 E.高纤维素、粗粮饮食,以保证大便通畅 [单选题]线路设备维修应贯彻“预防为主,防治结合,( )”的原则。
A.以修为主 B.修养并重 C.维修大修并重 D.只修不养 [单选题](2007年)根据票据法律制度的规定,某公司签发汇票时出现的下列情形中,导致该汇票无效的是( )。
A.汇票上未记载付款日期 B.汇票上金额记载为“不超过50万元” C.汇票上记载了该票据项下交易的合同号码 D.签章时加盖了本公司公章,公司负责人仅签名而未盖章 我来回答: 提交