Any mistake made in the printing of a stamp raises its value to stamp collectors. A mistake on one inexpensive postage stamp has made the stamp worth a million and a half times its original value.
The mistake was made more than a hundred years ago in the British colony of Mauritius, a small island in the Indian Ocean. In 1847 an order for stamps was sent to a London printer. As a result, Mauritius was to become the fourth country in the world to issue stamps.
Before the order was filled and delivered, a ball was planned at Mauritius’ Government House, and stamps were needed to send out the invitations. A local printer was told to copy the design for the stamps. He accidentally inscribed (记下) the words "Post Office" instead of "Post Paid" on the several hundred stamps that he printed.
Today there are only twenty-six of these misprinted stamps left: fourteen One Penny Orange— Reds and twelve Two Penny Blues. Because of the Two
A. most stamp collectors like the mistake made in printing
B. the mistake was made more than a hundred years ago
C. the mistake was made in the British colony of Mauritius
D. the stamp became rare and with a long history
The astronauts could not have reached the moon without the invention of rockets. We live in the age of rockets, but do you know that rockets are not a modem invention For centuries, rockets were used to entertain people. The Chinese used rockets for fireworks. In the 13th certury, rockets were first used in war. The Mongols used rockets to attack a Chinese city in 1232. These early rockets could not travel very far. However, in 1885 a Russian scientist discovered a better fuel for rockets. This liquid fuel gave rockets much more power. Then in 1919 a new age of rockets began. In that year an American scientist, Robert Goddard, said that it was possible to send a rocket to the moon! Goddard launched his first liquid-fuelled rocket in 1923. It flew 184 feet. Al most 12 years later, he sent a rocket 7,500 feet into the air in 1935. Russian rockets sent the first satellite into orbit in 1957. Just 12 years later the first man walked on the moon —— thanks to rockets! Where
资料一 振华股份有限公司(以下简称振华公司或公司,或ZhenHuaCompany)作为一家早期全国性家电连锁企业,是国家有关部门重点培育的“全国大型商业企业集团”之一,在行业内知名度较高。公司连锁经营网络遍布全国十几个省市,销售终端网络强大,并与国内外数百家名优家电产品生产厂ERP立了稳定的业务关系,通过大批量采购而获得比同类公司更低的采购成本。公司利用ERP系统进行内部进销存、配送、安装及维修的流程化管理,并与财务系统无缝对接,实现了高效的信息化管理。 随着连锁经营规模的逐步扩大,振华公司连锁店面的分布日趋分散,而现有的物流平台仅能满足单个城市范围内的商品存储和零售配送,导致物流网点只能随之不断增加。由于缺乏对区域市场物流平台的整合,在一定程度上增加了公司在同一区域内的存货数量,存货周转率降低,库存成本也相应增加。尽管公司经过近十年时间的发展,已具备了一定的规模和实力,但公司同样面临着资金缺乏以及系统化组织管理人才的短缺等挑战。上述问题在一定程度上制约了公司的发展。 对于连锁经营业态,国家有关部门印发的文件曾明确指出,推进连锁经营是我国流通领域带有方向性的一项改革,并且为其发展创造良好的外部环境。家用电器的连锁化经营是国际通行的流通方式,而在国内还是一种新兴的零售模式。从全国范围来看,传统大商场是家用电器销售的主渠道。家用电器呈现买方市场,消费者更在乎价格,加之近年来电子商务网上销售模式优势明显,增长迅速,对传统实体零售商构成较大挑战。随着我国国民经济的持续快速增长、居民消费水平的提高以及城镇化进程的加快,未来家电市场蕴藏着巨大的发展潜力。 2005年是中国零售业对外资全面开放的第一年,随着国外零售商的进入以及国内家电市场行业竞争格局的进一步分化,振华公司在面临更大挑战的同时也将获得更多发展机遇。公司当年成功登陆A股市场,成为了一家主板上市公司。上市融资后,公司董事会制定了未来五年的发展计划,具体如下: 1.推进与进口供应商在中国地区独家战略合作伙伴计划,旨在拥有进口供应商品牌下所有新品首发权、独销权和独家代理权。 2.启动“振华服务包计划”,为购买“服务包”的消费者提供延长保期内故障包修、维修费包免、难修复包换的“新三包”服务,在制