Modern industrial society grants little
status to old people. In fact, such a society has a system of built-in
obsolescence. There is no formal system for continuing our education throughout
our life in order to keep up with rapidly changing knowledge. When our education
and job skills have grown obsolete, we are treated exactly like those who have
never gained an education or job skills and are not encouraged or given the
opportunity to begin anew. As a society becomes more highly developed, the overall status of older people diminishes. Improved health technology creates a large pool of old people, who compete for jobs with the young. However, economic technology lowers the demand for workers and creates new jobs for which the skills of the aged are obsolete, forcing older people into retirement. At the same time, young people are being educated A. realistic B. optimistic C. pessimistic D. sympathetic [判断题]声纳检测时,声纳信号发射设备可不完全放置在水中。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]有限空间作业的监护人可短时间离开工作区域,通过对讲机联络作业人员即可。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]寒潮天气的特点是()。①气温骤降;②风向转为偏北;③风速猛增;④大风持续时间较长 ( )
A. ①②③ B. ②③④ C. ①③④ D. ①②③④ [单选题] 362
所谓拥塞,是指由于供给资源的相对不足而造成服务率下降(引入额外的延迟)的现象,拥塞避免的技术 包括:RED和WRED。 A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]事故调查处理应当实事求是、尊重科学,依据 ( )的原则,及时、准确地查清事故原因,查明事故性质和责任,总结事故教训,提出整改措施,并对事故责任者提出处理意见。
A.五同时 B.三不放过 C.三同时 D.四不放过 [填空题]
The Next Society{{/B}}
The new economy may or may not materialize, but there is no doubt that the next society will be with us shortly. In the developed world, and probably in the emerging countries as well, this new society will be a good deal more important than the new economy (if any). It will be quite different from the society of the late 20th century, and also different from what most people expect. Much of it will be unprecedented. And most of it is already here, or is rapidly emerging. In the developed countries, the dominant factor in the next society will be something to which most people are only just beginning to pay attention: the rapid growth in the older population and the rapid shrinking of the younger generation. Politicians everywhere still promise to save the existing pension system, but they--and their constituents--know perfectly well that in another 25 years p [单项选择]急性脑病综合征最多见的幻觉是()
A. 视幻觉 B. 听幻觉 C. 嗅幻觉 D. 味幻觉 E. 触幻觉 [单选题]某污水处理工程准备开工,下面对施工措施审查的说法正确的是( )
A.建设行政主管部门无权审查施工措施 B.应施工单位的申请,建设行政主管部门才能审查施工措施 C.建设行政主管部门有权审查施工措施,可以的情收费 D.建设行政主管部门有权审查施工措施,但不得收费 我来回答: 提交