Economic Reform in China{{/B}} More US sinologists have expressed confidence in China’s economic reform and the prospects for China’s modernization. "If the reforms are implemented, "said Doak Barnett, professor of Johns Hopkins University, they would {{U}} (51) {{/U}} the trend towards more significant and the broader economic ties between China and the United States, which will have in some respects, a favorable impact {{U}} (52) {{/U}} political relations. "Also these {{U}} (53) {{/U}} will reinforce trend for China to become more steadily involved in the international economics and the international community." Barnett believes the {{U}} (54) {{/U}} is desirable, from China’s point of {{U}} (55) {{/U}}, and for the inte A. opinion B. remark C. view D. benefit [多选题]谁负责按照干部管理权限履行组织处理职责?( )
A.上级纪委 B.党委(党组) C.组织(人事)部门 D.纪检机关 [不定项选择题]治疗脾肾虚寒,久泻,五更泄泻者,宜选用的药物是
A.白术 B.吴茱萸 C.细辛 D.丁香 E.肉桂 [单选题]慢性根尖周炎中的根尖肉芽肿可能发生的转化,除了
A.根尖囊肿 B.慢性根尖脓肿 C.痊愈 D.根尖致密性骨炎 E.根尖肉芽肿 [单选题]下列说法中正确的是( )
A.由于醇中含有亲水性基团羟基,因此醇可以任意比例与水混合 B.由于甲醛中含有一个碳和一个羟基,因此甲醇可以任意比例与水混合 C.由于硝基为亲水性基团,因此三硝基苯可以任意与比例与水混合 D.由于胺基为亲水性集团,因此苯胺可以任意比例与水混合 [判断题]17世纪,位于维也纳的第一家咖啡馆名为“蓝胡子”。(判断题)
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]、用户现场如存在违约用电、窃电嫌疑等异常情况,勘查人员应做好现场记录,及时报相关责任部门,并( )。在违约用电、窃电嫌疑排查处理完毕后,重新启动业务流程。
A.劝说客户改正 B.报警 C.立即制止 D.暂缓办理该用户用电业务 [单选题]钥匙开关打到 ON 档,仪表显示无法上高压、电池总电压在 100·200V 区间跳动、无任何故障信息,可能是如下的那个引起。( )
A.电池组电压低于阈值 B.预充过程不正确 C.BMS 配电箱的 MSD 内置熔断器断器损坏 D.电池内部其它故障 [判断题]车票票价为旅客乘车日的适用票价。承运人调整票价时,已售出的车票票价不再补收或退还票价差额。(部竞赛题《客规》)
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]
William Jackson. Director
Medical Service Division Health Management Service. Inc. Dear Mr. William Jackson. We are interested in updating our computer system and would like to know what would best meet our needs. The following is our criteria to choose a system: Ability to use our current software and data files. Ability to provide auxiliary services eg controlling inventory of drugs and suppliers, monitoring patients’ vital signs, and faster processing of insurance forms. Freedom from down time. Our hospital has 200 beds for long-term care. In the next five years, we expect the number of beds to remain the same while out-patient care and emergency room care increase. Could you email me your suggestions at hughelp@ comway, com We are eager to have the new system installed by Christmas if possible. Sincerely yours, Mary White Controller Encl: Specification of current system data bases in [单项选择]如向离体完整线粒体中加入某一化合物后,检测反应体系无ATP生成,而耗氧量明显增加,说明此化合的可能是
A. 递氢体类似物 B. 递电子体类似物 C. 电子传递链抑制剂 D. 解偶联剂 E. 抗坏血酸 [单项选择]哪一个以更好地支持企业或组织的决策分析处理的、面向主题的、集成的、相对稳定的、体现历史变化的数据集合
A. 数据库系统 B. 数据库管理系统 C. 数据仓库 D. 数据集成 [判断题]建设工程开始施工后,施工单位负责项目管理的技术人员应当对有关安全施工的技术要求向施工作业班组、作业人员作出详细说明,并由双方签字确认。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题] 液体温度越高蒸发的蒸汽越少。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] 对中间站保留及甩挂作业的货物列车,( )发现问题后要及时处理,中间站应保证货物列车安全继运到下一货检站。
A.公安 B.护路联防员 C.车站 D.押运人 [单选题]离心泵的()又称扬程。
A.流量 B.轴功率 C.压头 D.效率 我来回答: 提交