A patent is an exclusive right given to
an inventor for his or her invention. In other words, a patent is a monopoly
right given to the inventor for the invention. A patent confers on the inventor
the right to price and to sell the invention in any way he or she desires, in
the United States, patents are granted by the Patent Office for 17 years.
Although economists generally condemn monopoly as a form of market organization
since monopoly imposes costs on the economy, patents present a more subtle case
for monopoly theory. Specifically, can patent monopolies be justified In general, economists complain about the costs of monopoly because they believe that the same industry could be organized competitively. A patent monopoly grant for 17 years presents a different problem. That is, the purpose of the patent system is to encourage inv A. it creates goods and services and technologies that did not exist previously B. it gives an incentive to the inventor to publicize his research findings C. it highlights the importance of property rights to ideas D. it is a source of economic growth and progress [多选题]煤矿安全生产要坚持“三并重”原则,“三并重”是指()三并重。
A.(A)管理 B.(B)生产 C.(C)装备 D.(D)培训 [多选题]配电系统中漏电保护器的设置位置应是( )。
A.总配电箱总路、分配电箱总路 B.分配电箱总路、开关箱 C.总配电箱总路、开关箱 D.总配电箱分路、开关箱 E.分配电箱分路、开关箱 [名词解释]七支
A. 肿瘤侵犯范围较广,颅内受累 B. 肿瘤位于粘膜下,位置局限 C. 肿瘤放射治疗后3个月,局部复发 D. 放射治疗后3个月,仍有鼻咽部残灶 E. 放射治疗后颈部残存转移灶 [单选题]在中性点经消弧线圈接地的系统中,消弧线圈的补偿宜采用()
A.全补偿 B.欠补偿 C.过补偿 D.恒补偿 [单选题]安全带应()进行一次拉力试验。
A.每月 B.每季 C.每半年 D.每年 [多选题]按照本行的业务类型和资产特征,纳入减值计提范围的金融资产分为()。
A.信贷资产 B.非信贷资产 C.理财资产 D.贷款承诺 [单选题]镜板安装后要求测量镜板水平,水平值为( )则达到合格。
A.0.02~0.03mm/m; B.0.03~0.04mm/m; C.0.03~0.05mm/m; D.0.05~0.10mm/m。 [简答题] “狗不理包子”是中国哪个城市的传统风味小吃?
[单项选择]Personal computers are used by one person at a time. The largest personal computer, or PCS, can fit on a (1) . Some of these (2) have more than one microprocessor. (3) the primary processor, which is a general-purpose device, a PC may have one or more processors to (4) special kinds of work. Some machines, (5) , have maths processors, others have graphics processors to help process photographs and other illustrations. Still others have (6) processors.
Office workers also use PCS that are not (7) to a network. These machines are used for (8) tasks as word processing, performing financial calculations, and organizing and (9) bodies of information called databases. People use PCS at (10) for some of the same kinds of tasks. They use word processing programs for (11) Communication, financial software for household budgets. Individuals also use their home computers to play (12) and A. computers B. machines C. devices D. PC’s [单项选择]海:水
A. 写作:小说 B. 太阳:光 C. 画家:图画 D. 旋律:音符 [单选题]建设工程计价是一个逐步组合的过程,正确的造价组合过程是( )。
A.单位工程造价.分部分项工程造价.单项工程造价 B.单位工程造价.单项工程造价.分部分项工程造价 C.分部分项工程造价.单位工程造价.单项工程造价 D.分部分项工程造价.单项工程造价.单位工程造价 [判断题] 办理员工消费贷款是必须在系统中进行查询,包括对亲属(父亲、母亲、夫妻、满18岁未独立的子女)的查询。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题](1分)【单选题】静脉补钾注意事项中错误的是
A.浓度<0.3% B.速度<80滴/分) C.早期补钾 D.尿量>40ml/h E.补钾量6-8g/24h [多选题]常见的酶活性中心的必需基团有( )。
A.半胱氨酸和胱氨酸的巯基 B.组氨酸的咪唑基 C.谷氨酸、天冬氨酸的侧链羧基 D.丝氨酸的羟基 [判断题]在试验和推广新技术、新工艺、新设备、新材料的同时,应制定相应的安全措施,经本单位分管生产的领导(总工程师)批准后执行。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]用人单位可以随时解除劳动合同的情形有( )。
A. 劳动者在试用期内被证明不符合录用条件 B. 劳动者经过培训仍不能胜任工作 C. 劳动者严重违反劳动纪律或用人单位规章制度 D. 劳动者严重失职,营私舞弊,对用人单位利益造成重大损害 E. 劳动者被依法追究刑事责任 [单项选择]设有定义下列:
int a=1,b=2,c=3,d=4,m=2,n=2; 则表达式(m=a>b)&&(n=c>d)运算后,n的值是()。 A. 4 B. 3 C. 2 D. 0 [多项选择]用友报表系统中,报表公式定义包括( )。
A. 计算公式 B. 审核公式 C. 舍位平衡公式 D. 填列公式 [单项选择]通过调查得知,并非所有个体商贩都有偷税、逃税行为。如果上述调查的结论是真实的,则以下哪项一定为真
A. 所有的个体商贩都没有偷税、逃税行为。 B. 多数个体商贩都有偷税、逃税行为。 C. 并非有的个体商贩没有偷税、逃税行为。 D. 有的个体商贩确实没有偷税、逃税行为。 [单选题]以下属于准备巷道的是( )。
A.运输大巷 B.区段石门 C.区段回风平巷 [判断题] ( )工作人员接触呼吸道隔离的病人一定要穿隔离衣。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]试述娱乐功能对个人、社会以及统治阶级产生的具体影响
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