Many years ago there was a huge oil
refinery fire. Flames shot hundreds of feet into the air. The sky was thick
with, black smoke. The heat was so intense that firefighters had to park their
trucks a block away and wait for the heat to die down before they could begin to
fight the fire. However, it was about to rage out of control. Then, all of a sudden, from several block away came a tire truck racing down the street. With its brakes screeching,, it hit the curb in front of the fire. The firefighters jumped out and began to battle the blare. All the firefighters who were parked a block away saw this, and they jumped into their trucks, drove down the block and began to fight the fire, too. As a result of that cooperative effort, they were just barely able to bring the fire under control. The people who saw this teamwork thought: "My goo A. The fire was so strong that it could be hardly under control in the beginning. B. The captain was awarded by the mayor for his bravery. C. People were astonished by what the driver of the lead fire truck did. D. People who were saved wrote to the firefighters to express their thanks. [判断题]变压器异常运行状态主要包括:保护范围外部短路引起的过电流,电动机自起动等原因所引起的过负荷、油浸变压器油箱漏油造成油面降低、轻微匝间短路等。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]徐冰的《生命潭》是一幅______作品。
A. 油画 B. 摄影 C. 水彩画 D. 版画 [单项选择]桔梗在天王补心丹中的功效为()
A. 引药上行,使药力缓留于上 B. 引药上行,以助“培土生金” C. 宣开肺气,助腑气通降 D. 宣畅肺气以止咳利咽 E. 以上均不是 [单选题] 无锡地铁牵引系统高压箱内单个充电电阻的阻值( )(1.0分)
A. 300欧 B. 150欧 C.400欧 D. 75欧 [单项选择]一列列车对应有()个PTI天线。
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 [判断题] 判断题根据《安全生产法》的规定,不是安全生产法律关系的主体不承担安全生产责任。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]新建或改建位于河道非岩石地基上的桥跨,不应采用明挖基础。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]干式变压器冷却方式分为自然空气冷却(AN)和强迫空气冷却(AF)。自然空冷时,变压 器可在额定容量下长期连续运行。强迫风冷时,变压器输出容量可提高( )%。
A.20 B.30 C.50 D.60 [判断题]列车反方向运行时,司机必须在站内停车,在接到反方向运行的通知后,对输入反方向行车的“车站站号”等参数,进入降级状态,确认出站(或发车进路)信号机显示绿色灯光,并具备反方向发车条件后,按停车的股道限速控制速度开车对标,LKJ调出反方向监控数据。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]消防泵、喷淋泵、洞口排雨水泵站和区间主排水泵站、车站废水泵房、露天出入口及敞开风口处的排水泵房供电等级按()供电。
A.特级负荷 B.一级负荷 C.二级负荷 [单项选择]电缆中的常见的不良线对有以下几种:断线、混线、地气、反接、差接、()等。
A. 交接 B. 交叉 C. 接地 D. 跳对 [单选题]低压装表接电时,( )。
A.应先安装计量装置后接电 B.应先接电后安装计量装置 C.计量装置安装和接电的顺序无要求 D.计量装置安装和接电应同时进行 [填空题]三羧酸循环的关键酶是 ( ) 、 ( )、 ( ) 。
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