Everyday some 16m barrels of oil leave the Gulf through the Strait of Hormuz. That is enough to fill a soft-drink can for everyone on earth, or to power every motor vehicle on the planet for 25 miles (40kin). Gulf oil accounts for 40% of global trade in the sticky stuff. More important, it makes up two-thirds of known deposits. Whereas at present production rates the rest of the world’s oil reserves will last for a mere 25 years, the Gulf’s will last for 100. In other words, the region’s strategic importance is set to grow and grow.
Or at least so goes the conventional wisdom, which is usually rounded out with scary talk of unstable supplies, spendthrift regimes and a potential fundamentalist menace. Yet all those numbers come with caveats. A great deal of oil is consumed by the countries that produce it rather than traded, so in reality the Gulf accounts for less than a quarter of the world’s daily consumption. As for reserves, the figures are
A. reassuring
B. changeable
C. paradoxical
D. exaggerated
Today, the world wide web can be used
both to{{U}} (31) {{/U}}information and to make it{{U}} (32)
{{/U}}to others. Information{{U}} (33) {{/U}}on webpages is viewed{{U}}
(34) {{/U}}means of browser. The sources of information linked in this
way can be located on any computer{{U}} (35) {{/U}}is also part of the
web. Each information source{{U}} (36) {{/U}}to an indefinite number of
other webpages. Hypertext and hyperlinks allow users acting as receivers
of information to{{U}} (37) {{/U}}from one source of information to{{U}}
(38) {{/U}},{{U}} (39) {{/U}}for themselves which information
they wish to{{U}} (40) {{/U}}to their browser and which links they want
to{{U}} (41) {{/U}}. The addresses of webpages can be found by using the many hundreds of general and specialized search engines which provide{{U}} (42) {{/U}}to A. in that B. all that C. now that D. so that [单项选择]所有异常类型的基类为( )。
A. Throwable B. Exception C. RuntimeExcepfion D. Error [单选题]水泥杆无标志牌、相位牌、警告牌属于( )。
A.正常状态 B. 一般缺陷 C.重大缺陷 D.紧急缺陷 [单项选择]胰岛素注射的作用机制是()。
A. 延缓糖的吸收 B. 直接刺激胰岛β细胞分泌胰岛素 C. 增加周围组织对糖的利用 D. 替代自身分泌 E. 激活过氧化物酶体增殖物激活受体γ [单选题]与外界不发生热交换的热力系称为(____)。
A.绝热系 B.开口系 C.孤立系 D.闭口系 [多选题]《中国南方电网有限责任公司电力安全工作规程》(Q/CSG 510001-2015) 规定:设备操作,应根据操作要求选用哪些相应的操作票或规范性书面记录( )。
A.新(改)建设备投产方案(操作步骤部分) B.调度综合操作命令票 C.现场电气操作票 D.书面形式命令和记录 [判断题]调车作业挤过道岔但未挤坏,不列事故。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]太白峰中继站是近尾州水清测报系统的入厂中继站。()
A. 法院对被告实施了法律制裁 B. 法院对被告采取了不诉免责和协议免责的措施 C. 法院做出对被告有利的判决,在于对案件事实与规范间关系进行了证成 D. 被告承担法律责任主要不是因为行为与损害间存在因果关系 [多项选择]依据《治安管理处罚法》的规定,下列行为应当给予治安处罚的是()。
A. 冯某持票进入演唱会现场时,在门口不服从安全检查工作人员的检查,而强行进入场内 B. 在足球比赛赛场,王某为庆祝其所在市球队获胜,在人群间点燃了爆竹 C. 在某歌星演唱会上,观众刘某因不满观看位置过远,为发泄不满情绪将椅子损坏 D. 阎某作为观众观看市里组织的一次长跑比赛,参加比赛的张某与其平素不和,阎某在场地附近展示一张条幅,内容为“张某跑得慢如龟,爬出比赛回家睡” [多选题]辖区水源主要由( )组成(易)
A.市政供水管网 B.消防水池 C.天然水源 D.居民家庭用水 我来回答: 提交