The recent boom in technological
advances, formation of new businesses, and personal (1) is
the third, and most dramatic, such wave (2) by the computer
industry in the last twenty-five years. The first wave (3)
tangible products—"hardware," as (4) the computer programs
that (5) software. In the 1960s and 1970s companies in the
Santa Clara Valley, between San Jose and San Francisco, produced silicon memory
chips for computers— (6) the name Silicon Valley.
Then they produced silicon logic chips, (7) direct a
computer’s operation. Then many produced computers (8)
. The great (9) from the hardware era include those of the Hewlett and Packard families, of Hewlett-Packard, which started (10) money in the presilicon era, with scientific instruments. The A. what B. whom C. which D. that [单选题]旅客持失效车票乘车时,除按规定补票,核收手续费外,还必须加收应补票价()的票款。
A.20% B.30% C.40% D.50% [单选题]须凭证购买的减价优惠票,在出示有效身份证件的同时,还应出示符合规定的(
),经核实后,方可购票、乘车。 A.减价优惠凭证 B.证明 C.证件 D.文件 [单项选择]丙烷机安全设定值菜单()功能是丙烷机出口压力高安全设定值,报警值240PSI,关断值250PSI,复位值240PSI
A. LO OIL INJECTION TEMPERATURE B. HI OIL INJECTION TEMPERATURE C. LO SUCTION PRESSURE D. HI DISCHARGE PRESSURE [单项选择]I first met him in a small lumbertown. I was sitting in front of the hotel watching people pass by. It was a warm day. Now and then, a group of laughing rivermen marched by.
One group especially caught my eye. They wore bright red shirts and heavy boots. Suddenly, one of them came up to me. " Say, Mister," he said. " You look mighty interested. Are we your long lost friends" His voice was friendly enough but he seemed ready for any answer ... trouble, if I wanted it, or help if I needed it. "Can you tell me where all these people are going" He pushed his little cap further back on his head. "Biding match!" he said. "Come on !" I joined him and we followed the crowd to the river. There, we saw six men running toward the river with their peaveys. They used the round metal hooks on the end of the peaveys to push a heavy log into the water. Then one of the men took a long leap and landed on the end of the log. The force of his jump pushed the log out into the middl A. On Independence Day. B. On the Easter holidays. C. At Christmas. D. On New Year’s Day. [单选题]在燃油供油单元FCM的自动控制系统中,当DO控制模式且LED指示灯“vT”闪烁时,表示系统处在______。
A. DO温升期间 B.HFO温升期间 C.DO温度定值控制期间 D.HFO温度定值控制期间 [填空题]铺土工织物和土工格栅应使其长幅沿线路横断面方向铺设;其受力方向的接头强度不应低于整幅强度;土工织物各横幅之间采用搭接,搭接宽度不应小于(),土工格栅可不搭接,但应密排放置、联结牢固。铺设多层土工合成材料时,应使上、下层接头互相错开,错开距离不应小于。
[单选题]动火作业应有( )监护,动火作业前应清除动火现场及周围的易燃物品,或采取其他有效的防火安全措施,配备足够适用的消防器材。
A.动火工作负责人 B.运维许可人 C.专人 D.两人 [单选题]以下( )不属于车站的通信系统。
A.行车调度电话 B.公务电话 C.广播 D.公用电话 [单选题]手提式防爆强光照明灯不具备防水性能。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]宝石的优化处理有()。
A. 热处理 B. 扩散处理 C. 染色处理 D. 填充处理 [判断题]公用系统管理人员制定用气、用水安全管理措施,并告知相关生产车间、项目组、 HSE部和施工单位。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]石砌体应采用不易风化的石料。处于浸水和潮湿地区的石砌体,主体工程用石料的软化系数应不低于().《修规》第3.5.11条
A.0.5 B.0.6 C.0.7 D.0.8 [填空题]停电作业的线路与其它单位的带电线路交叉跨越安全距离不够时,应同有关单位办理( )手续。( )
男,48岁。一年来每于剧烈活动时或饱餐后发作剑突下疼痛,向咽部放射,持续数分钟可自行缓解。2周后发作频繁且有夜间睡眠中发作,2小时来疼痛剧烈,不能缓解,向胸部及后背部放射,伴憋闷、大汗。 最有助于诊断的辅助检查是()。A. 超声心动图 B. 胸部X线 C. 心电图 D. 心肌酶谱 E. CT [不定项选择题]9个月婴儿,近1个月夜惊,睡眠差,多汗,烦躁,运动发育迟,刚会坐,不能爬。体检:前囟大,方颅,有肋膈沟及肋骨串珠。
A.每天口服维生素D2000~4000U,持续1个月后,改为预防量 B.每天口服维生素DO.5万U,连用2个月,改为预防量 C.每天口服维生素Dl万U,连用2个月,改为预防量 D.每天口服维生素D2万U,持续用3个月,改为预防量 E.每天口服维生素D3万U,连用3个月,改为预防量 [判断题] 故障抢修人员到达现场的时限,自接到报修之时起,城区范围不超过45分钟,农村地区不超过90分钟,边远、交通不便地区不超过2小时。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]社会组织的构成要素?
[单项选择]在利息不断资本化的条件下,资金时间价值的计算基础应采用( )。
A. 单利 B. 复利 C. 年金 D. 普通年金 我来回答: 提交