Before any period of exercise it is
well worth spending two or three minutes warming up with a series of simple
stretching exercises. This not only helps your joints (关节) to move easily but
also pre-pares all your muscle groups for more energetic activity. It is rather
like a cat stretching itself before it springs into action. Here are four
movements to do in an easy and unhurried way, gently stretching each action
without forcing it. Repeat each movement ten times, breathing normally
throughout. Ⅰ. Standing with your feet apart, push both arms out straight in front of you, fingertips touching. Raise them above your head, then down to the sides pushing each arm backwards at the same time. Ⅱ. Standing with your feet apart, and hands on hips (臀部). Tip your head back and look straight up to the ceiling. Roll your head round sl A. With pauses, taking 10 breaths between each one. B. Continuously for two or three minutes. C. Steadily and slowly, breathing calmly. D. As energetically as possible. [单选题] 列车运行图中的旅客列车分类和车次规定:普通旅客慢6001-8998其中跨局()。
A.6198-6198 B.6001-8998 C.6001-6198 D.6203-8998 [单选题] 网卡是()的简称,计算机通过网卡接入网络。
A. 网络接口卡 B. 网络压缩卡 C. 网络解压卡 D. 网络适配卡 [判断题]以经济建设为中心的确定,是我们党根据社会主义初级阶段主要矛盾,即人民日益增长的物质文化需要和落后的社会生产之间的矛盾得出的科学判断,是党在新时期实现的最根本的拨乱反正。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]患者心烦不寐,躁扰不宁,口干舌燥,小便短赤,口舌生疮,舌尖红,苔薄黄,脉数。治法宜
A.清肝泻火,镇心安神 B.清心泻火,安神宁心 C.滋阴降火,清心安神 D.补益心脾,养心安神 [简答题]线路、道岔经常保养基本内容。
[判断题]HXD1C机车网测电路的保护包括网侧短路保护、网压监测保护、网侧过流保护和原边接地保护。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]CRH380B型动车组牵引传动系统采用4动4拖的动力配置,全列由2个 单元组成。
A.辅助 B.供风 C.牵引 D.制动 [单选题]美国管理学家莱金提出的ABC时间管理方法中,C级目标指
A.必须完成的目标 B.最重要的目标 C.较重要的目标 D.很想完成的目标 E.不太重要的目标 [简答题]知识
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交