Given the choice between spending an
evening with friends and taking extra time for his school-work, Andy Klise
admits he would probably (21) for the latter. It’s not that
he doesn’t like to have fun; It’s just that his desire to excel (22)
drives his decision-making process. A 2001 graduate of Wooster High School and now a senior biology major at The College of Wooster, Klise acknowledges that he may someday have (23) thoughts about his decision to limit the time he has spent (24) , but for now, he is comfortable with the choices he has made. "If things had not (25) out as well as they have, I would have had some regrets," says Klise, who was a Phi Beta Kappa inductee as a junior. "But spending the extra time studying has been well worth the (26) . I realized early on that to be successful, I had to ma A. directed B. oriented C. conducted D. guided [简答题]如何理解巫术礼仪活动是在原始社会中促进审美发生最重要的一种中介因素?
A. 有机磷 B. 亚硝酸盐 C. 氰化物 D. 金属、类金属 E. 氟化物 [单项选择]报关员如有报关员执业禁止行为的或报关员海关注册内容发生变更,未按照规定向海关办理变更手续的,海关予以警告,责令其改正,并可以处人民币()元以下罚款。
A. 1000 B. 2000 C. 3000 D. 5000 [判断题] 资本主义商品经济是以生产资料私有制和个体劳动为基础的。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]
A. 支气管哮喘急性发作期 B. 支气管哮喘非急性发作期 C. 先天性心脏病急性左心衰竭 D. 肺源性心脏病心功能不全 E. 喘息型慢性支气管炎急性发作 [多选题]下列情形中,应当从重处罚的是( )。
A.适用刑法人人平等原则 B.累犯 C.教唆未满18周岁的人犯罪的教唆犯 D.危害国家安全犯罪的罪犯 [判断题]车站会同工务、电务部门确定具体加锁位置(无人站由电务牵头,工务配合确定),并由工务在确定的位置(分动外锁闭道岔在斥离尖轨、密贴尖轨、可动心轨相对处)进行标记作为道岔勾锁点,发现标记颜色脱落、不清晰时,应重新涂漆。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]某医师用A药治疗9例病人,治愈7人;用B药治疗10例病人,治愈1人.比较两药疗效时,可选用的最适当方法是
A. X2检验 B. u检验 C. 校正X2检验 D. 直接计算概率法 E. t检验 [判断题]消防救援机构办案人员收集证据时,在证据可能灭失或者以后难以取得的情况下,经消防救援机构负责人批准,可以将证据先行登记保存。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]通电直导体在磁场中所受力的大小,与其通过的电流( )。( )
A.成反比 B.无关系 C.成正比 [多选题]提示: 气管插管后经综合治疗和 IPPV+PEEP 处理 ,Sp02 保持在 98%-99%,手术顺利,术中生命体征尚平稳,术毕患者意识 清醒,自主呼吸恢复,通气功能良好,拔除气管导管,送返 病房; 术后 12 小时,患者逐渐出现气急、呼吸困难,Spo2 进行性下降,面罩吸氧 Sp02 仅为 85%,听诊两肺遍布湿啰音 和哮鸣音。 提问: 下列说法哪些是错误的? _____
A.患者很可能发生了 Mendelson 综合征 B.患者很可能是麻醉性镇痛药的延迟性呼吸抑制 C.应该立即使用纳洛酮 D.立即送 ICU,按 ARDS 救治 E.患者一定发生术后左心衰竭 F.应立即进行床边胸部 X 线摄影 [单选题]【单选题】输液器应每_____C__更换一次,如被污染或完整性受损时应立即更换。
A.8h B.12h C.24h D.48h E.72h [判断题]对于剩余喂料超过450mm的,应分多次剪切,每次剪切长度小于或等于400mm,直到剪净为止。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]婴儿配方乳粉标签标示应该遵循______。
A. GB 13432 B. GB 8817 C. GB 14322 D. GB 14880 E. GB 7718 [单项选择]《五代史伶官传序》中的庄宗所属朝代是()。
A. 后梁 B. 后唐 C. 后晋 D. 后周 [多项选择]行政管理部的职责包括( )。
A. 制定企业各项人力资源管理制度 B. 建立相关规章制度、管理标准和工作标准 C. 品牌策划、后勤保障 D. 企业质量管理体系运行和维护 E. 对外事务的联络 [判断题]使用电气工具时,禁止提着电气工具的导线或转动部分。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]信号系统知识点如下
{{B}}Section A{{/B}}
A. The man wants to move to San Francisco, but the woman doesn’t agree. B. The man thinks it’s too cold to move to San Francisco. C. The woman agrees with the man’s idea. D. The woman doesn’t want to move because the children will have no fun. [单项选择]一老年患者,近1年来自觉心前区阵发性疼痛,于休息或清晨发作,持续时间一般为半小时左右,含服硝酸甘油后可缓解。发作时心电图胸前导联ST段抬高,运动负荷试验阴性。诊断为( )
A. 心肌梗死 B. 卧位型心绞痛 C. 稳定型心绞痛 D. 变异型心绞痛 E. 以上均不正确 [单选题]CRH5型动车组车钩加热器的工作电压等级是( )V。
A.DC24 B.AC220 C.AC380 [单选题]体内进行嘌呤核苷酸从头合成最主要的组织是( )。
A.骨髓 B.肝 C.脾 D.小肠黏膜 [单项选择]
Text 2 If the opinion polls are to be believed, most Americans are coming to trust their government more than they used to. The habit has not yet spread widely among American Indians, who suspect an organization which has so often patronized them, lied to them and defrauded them. But the Indians may soon win a victory in a legal battle that epitomizes those abuses. Elouise Cobell, a banker who also happens to be a member of the Blackfeet tribe in Montana, is the leading plaintiff in a massive class-action suit against the government. At issue is up to $10 billion in trust payments owed to some 500,000 Indians. The suit revolves around Individual Indian Money (IIM) accounts that are administered by the Interior Department’s Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA). Back in the 1880s, the government divided more than llm acres of tribal land into parcels of 80 to 160 acres that were assigned to individual Indians. Because these parcels were rarely occupied by their new owners, t 我来回答: 提交