While some international
{{U}}couriers{{/U}} are showing signs of exhaustion, EMS (Express Mail Service), the
generic name for the courier services of post offices, seems to be finding its
{{U}}stride{{/U}}. Known as Datapost in Britain, as Chronopost in France, and as
Al-Barid al-Mumtaz in Saudi Arabia, EMS is now second in the international
courier business (jointly with TNT Skypack). Last year it delivered 5.6 million
items, weighing less than 20 kilograms each, across borders. That and its annual
growth rate of around 5 percent have worried DHL, the market leader, enough for
it to counter-attack in the Courts. On October 26, a Dutch judge ruled against DHL on all three counts filed against the Dutch post office: that the three-initial name was too close to DHL’s; that the orange lines in the EMS logo were too similar to DHL’s dark red ones; and t A. It cooperates with TNT Skypack. B. It is showing signs of exhaustion. C. It might have a leading position in the international courier business. D. It has an annual growth rate of 5%. [单项选择]有些外科手术需要一种特殊类型的线带,使外科伤口缝合达到十天,这是外科伤口需要线带的最长时间。D型带是这种线带的一个新品种。D型带的销售人员声称D型带将会提高治疗功效,因为D型带的黏附时间是目前使用的线带的2倍长。
以下哪项,如果成立,最能说明D型带销售人员所做声明中的漏洞: A. 大多数外科伤口使命大约需要十天。 B. 大多数外科线带是从医院而不是从药店得到的。 C. 目前使用的线带的黏性足够使伤口缝合十天。 D. 现在还不清楚究竟是D型带还是目前使用的线带更有利于皮肤的愈合。 E. D型带对已经预先涂上一层药物的皮肤的黏性只有目前使用的线带的一半好。 [单项选择]胸廓的组成,不包括
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A.某大学教授从甲企业取得的咨询费 B.某公司高管从乙大学取得的讲课费 C.某设计院设计师从丙公司取得的设计费 D.某剧本作者从丁电视剧制作单位取得的剧本使用费 [单项选择]Where did the man find his dictionary
A. Football match. B. Basketball match. C. Long jump match. [判断题]吹氧时机、吹氧强度及吹氧量影响冶炼过程的能量供给,影响电炉供电制度操作及其效果。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]温度对肌肉的伸展性和粘滞性没有影响。
A. 玫瑰疹 B. 稽留热 C. 相对缓脉 D. 肝脾大 E. 特殊中毒状态 [单选题]只有在变通进路上没有调车按钮可兼作变通按钮的情况下,才特设一个()。
A.变通按钮 B.单置调车按钮 C.并置调车按钮 D.差置调车按钮 我来回答: 提交