Americans have contributed to many art
forms, and jazz, a type of music, is one of the art forms that were started in
the United States. Black Americans, who sang and played the music of their
homeland, created jazz. Jazz is a mixture of music of Africa, the work songs the slaves sang, and religious music. Improvisation(即兴) is an important part of jazz. This is why a jazz song might sound a little different each time it is played. Jazz bands formed in the late 1800s. They play A. New Orleans is the place where jazz was first produced B. the American people are all jazz lovers C. jazz is merely sung by the black when working D. jazz may become more popular as time goes on [判断题]钢筋混凝土杆使用最多的是锥形杆,其锥度一般为1/75。()
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]透光观察2015年版第五套人民币100元纸币的白水印,可见透光性很强的面额数字100水印。()
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]简述应用确定型决策方法的必要条件。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]燃烧的充分条件:一定的可燃物浓度、一定的氧气含量、一定的着火能量、三者相互作用。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]矿用660V隔爆开关的绝缘电阻不应低于()。
A. 1MΩ B. 2MΩ C. 5MΩ [单选题]2×09年末,甲企业应收账款科目借方余额为10000万元,坏账准备贷方余额为180万元,该企业按应收账款年末余额的3%计提坏账。不考虑其他因素,则因计提坏账而减少甲企业2×09年营业利润的金额为( )万元。
A.180 B.120 C.480 D.300 [判断题]网络运营者应当为公安机关、国家安全机关依法维护国家安全和侦查犯罪的活动提供技术支持和协助。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]患者女性,46岁,乳头和乳晕皮肤发红,轻度糜烂,有浆液渗出,病变皮肤硬,与周围边界清楚,奇痒难忍。若病理雌激素受体阳性,选择的辅助治疗是:()。
A. 手术治疗 B. 放疗化疗 C. 免疫治疗 D. 中医药治疗 E. 内分泌治疗 [多选题]( )作为仓储网络枢纽,负责全省通用物资资源的集中储存与配送,向周转库、仓储点进行补库
A.中心库 B.周转库 C.区域库 D.仓储点 [单选题]下列关于提示上消化道大量出血病人出血在继续的描述不正确的是()
A.黑便次数增多 B.呕吐物为鲜红色 C.血压继续下降 D.血红蛋白计数继续下降 E.网织红细胞计数继续下降 [判断题]小伤口的少量出血,一般不需要进行处理可自行止血。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]任人唯贤就是指在配备人员时要出以公心,实事求是的发现人才。
The boss took it for granted that his secretary should keep him well-informed.() A. assumed that it was true without doubt B. believed that it was true without making sure C. agreed that it was necessary D. thought that it was beneficial [单项选择]We are sending you the samples()requested.
A. be B. are C. as D. for [单选题]以滋养肺胃,降逆和中为主要功效的方剂是
A.麦门冬汤 B.清燥救肺汤 C.炙甘草汤 D.玉液汤 E.桑杏汤 我来回答: 提交