A. significance B. meaning C. definition D. sense [判断题]邻近带电的电力线路进行工作时,有可能接近带电导体至表4规定的安全距离以内时,作业的导、地线还应在工作地点接地。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]不能按档案工作各业务环节机械地划分先后次序,而应注意各业务环节间的衔接,以及相互交叉、渗透和影响,做到全面、统筹、协调发展,共同提高。
What is it about Paris For the last two centuries it has been the single most visited city in the world. Tourists still go for the art and the food, even if they have to brave the disdain of ticket-takers and waiters. Revolutionaries on the run, artists in search of the galleries and writers looking for the license to explore their inner selves went looking for people like themselves and created their own fields filled with experimentation and constant arguments. Would worldwide communist revolution have been conceivable without the Paris that was home to Marx, Lenin and Ho Chi Minh Would Impressionism or Cubism have become "isms" without Paris as a place to work and as a subject to paint How Paris came to be, for such a long time, "capital of the world" [判断题]BE003 常见的压力传感器有电阻式、电感式、电容式和压电式等。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]国家()负责统筹协调网络安全工作和相关监督管理工作
A.网信部门 B.国安部门 C.电信部门 D.公安机关网警部门 [单项选择]起重用的钢丝绳多为()股。
A. 6 B. 7 C. 8 D. 9 [单选题]新建或改造的变电所,直流系统绝缘监测装置,应具备交流窜直流故障的测记和报警功能。原有的直流系统绝缘监测装置,应逐步进行改造,使其具备交流窜直流故障的测记和( )。
A.报警功能 B.提示功能 C.跳闸功能 D.光字提示功能 [单项选择] Sickness at work
Small firms are counting the cost of sickness among employees. Research estimates that illness cost small businesses in Britain a month and a half in lost (21) last year. A recent (22) of more than 1,000 small and medium enterprises revealed that last year the average small business lost around 42 days through staff phoning in sick, and that this had a serious (23) on 27 per cent of smaller companies. Just over one in ten employees took time off for seven days in a (24) Of these, 9.5 per cent were ill for a week on more than one occasion. In Britain, employees can take sick (25) for up to a week before they have to produce a medical certificate. Owner-managers were far less likely to be off sick than their staff: 3.3 days on average, compared with the 10 days taken by employees. The head of the research team said, ’The most common (26) A. contributed B. accounted C. totalled D. credited [单项选择]广东省东莞市一个家电制造公司近几年发展迅速,效益良好。为了使职工更大程度地参与企业管理和企业效益分配,增强职工的凝聚力和向心力,鼓励职工爱岗敬业,在企业长期工作,公司老板王总打算制定年金计划,但是对于年金不是很了解,所以就相关问题咨询了理财规划师。提到国家支持企业举办年金计划,王总很想知道,国家是不是会像对社会养老保险那样对企业年金给与一定的补助?理财规划师解释:在我国企业年金完全是由()共同负担的。
A. 国家财政和企业 B. 政府财政和企业 C. 国家财政和政府 D. 企业和个人 [判断题]越区供电和恢复正常供电实施过程中的有电、无电状态确认工作,以供电调度通过调度员工作站分区所、开闭所及AT所进线电压互感器遥测量和开关位置信号显示为主,分区所、开闭所及AT所显示状态不正常时,应安排牵引变电所值班人员在牵引变电所相关馈线(隔离开关负荷侧或避雷器)进行验电,确认状态。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]大型养路机械维修作业天窗时间,普速线路每次应不少于( ),高速线路每次应不少于240min。
A.60min B.90min C.100min D.180min [判断题]客专道岔可动心轨相对于翼轨允许伸缩位移±10mm。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]《监察法》规定,查封、扣押的财物、文件经查明与案件无关的,应当在查明后()内解除查封、扣押,予以退还。
A.一日 B.三日 C.五日 D.七日 [单项选择]按照垃圾记录的有关规定,在一定条件下允许排放入海的垃圾有()类。
A. 3 B. 4 C. 5 D. 6 [单项选择]和管理信息系统相比,决策支持系统可辅助( )决策。
A. 结构化 B. 非结构化 C. 半结构化 D. 半结构化和非结构化 [单选题] "车站员工佩戴的戒指,宽处不大于( )。
A. 3mm B. 4mm C. 5mm D. 6mm" 我来回答: 提交