People appear to be born to compute. The numerical
skills of children develop so early and so inexorably that it is easy to imagine
an internal clock of mathematical maturity guiding their growth. Not long after
learning to walk and talk, they can set the table with impressive accuracy one
plate, one knife, one spoon, one fork, for ’each of the five chairs. Soon they
are capable of noting that they have placed five knives, five spoons, and five
forks on the table and, a bit later, that this amounts to fifteen pieces of
silverware. Having thus mastered addition, they move on to subtraction. It seems
almost reasonable to expect that if a child were secluded on a desert island at
birth and returned seven years later, he or she could enter a second-grade
mathematics class without any serious problems of intellectual
adjustment. O A. Children naturally and easily learn mathematics. B. Children learn to add before they learn to subtract. C. Most people follow the same pattern of mathematical development. D. Mathematical development is subtle and gradual. [单项选择]患者,男,63岁,突发意识障碍,能唤醒,醒后可简单回答问题及勉强配合检查,停止刺激即又入睡,这种意识状态是()
A. 嗜睡 B. 昏睡 C. 昏迷 D. 谵妄 E. 意识模糊 [单项选择]中国人民解放军现设有()个大军区
A. 5 B. 6 C. 7 [单选题]我们党站在时代前列,保持先进性的根本体现和根本要求是:
A.必须牢牢把握先进文化的前进方向,建设社会主义精神文明 B.不断实现好维护好发展好最广大人民的根本利益 C.满足人民群众日益增长的物质文化需要 D.始终代表中国先进生产力的发展要求,大力促进先进生产力的发展 [判断题]《南昌局集团公司时速160公里动力集中动车组客运组织管理办法》(南铁客[2021]81号)规定160动车组严格执行电器使用规定,严禁车内增设大功率电器设备和临时拉接电源。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]挖掘机、装载机、推土机等大型工程机械在铁路安全保护区内进行有碍行车安全的施工时,应按《铁路营业线施工安全管理办法》的有关规定办理邻近营业线施工手续,并经电务、通信等部门确认电缆埋设位置,且派人现场配合,方准施工。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]利用改变井底回压来求取气层产能和气层物性参数的方法称为气井的()。
A.常规试井法 B.自喷试井法 C.稳定试井法 D.不稳定试井法 [单项选择]颏部软组织损伤时最容易引起什么部位间接性骨折()。
A. 下颌骨喙突 B. 下颌骨体部 C. 下颌骨升支部 D. 下颌骨髁突 E. 颌骨牙槽突 [判断题]排泥系统是利用尾砂、废石、水泥、河沙以及其他固体颗粒物等材料充填采空区,用以控制地压或者构建工作平台的重要生产系统。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]高层民用建筑,超过( )个座位的体育馆,超过( )个座位的会堂,占地面积大于( )m²的商店建筑、展览建筑等单、多层公共建筑应设置环形消防车道,确有困难时,可沿建筑的两个长边设置消防车道。
A.3000 2000 3000 B.2000 2000 2000 C.3000 3000 3000 D.1000 1000 1000 [单项选择]在下列回收废品中,如果没有回收,对环境造成危害最大的是。()
A. 废纸 B. 废玻璃 C. 废电池 D. 废铁 [单项选择]更换液压油滤芯的周期是()小时。
A. 40 B. 400 C. 1200 [单项选择]电焊钢管的公称直径一般为(),管壁较薄,承压很低。
A. 8~10mm B. 10~140mm C. 20~250mm D. 30~50mm [单选题]当电力系统发生故障时,要求本线路继电保护,该动的动,不该动的不动称为继电保护的()。
A.选择性 B.灵敏性 C.可靠性 D.快速性 [单选题]车门关闭过程中,橙色指示灯(),蜂鸣器()。
A.闪烁、鸣响 B.常亮、鸣响 C.闪烁、不鸣响 D.常亮、不鸣响 [单项选择]Although the scientist's recommendations may have been ______ , the students had trouble following his ______ presentation and were, therefore, against his proposal.
A. (A) plausible.. organized B. (B) absurd .. intricate C. (C) realistic .. convoluted D. (D) judicious .. dynamic E. (E) ubiquitous .. empirical [简答题](203)什么是湿球温度?
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